Lysosomes and related precursor organelles robustly build up in swollen axons that surround amyloid plaques and disrupted axonal lysosome transport has been implicated in worsening Alzheimer’s pathology. Our prior studies have revealed that loss of Adaptor protein-4 (AP-4) complex function, linked primarily to Spastic Paraplegia (HSP), leads to a similar build of lysosomes in structures we term “AP-4 dystrophies”. Surprisingly, these AP-4 dystrophies were also characterized by enrichment of components of APP processing machinery, β-site cleaving enzyme 1 (BACE1) and Presenilin 2. Our studies examining whether the abnormal axonal lysosome build up resulting from AP-4 loss could lead to amyloidogenesis revealed that the loss of AP-4 complex function in an Alzheimer’s disease model resulted in a strong increase in size and abundance of amyloid plaques in the hippocampus and corpus callosum as well as increased microglial association with the plaques. Interestingly, we found a further increase in enrichment of the secretase, BACE1, in the axonal swellings of the plaques of Alzheimer model mice lacking AP-4 complex compared to those having normal AP-4 complex function, suggestive of increased amyloidogenic processing under this condition. Additionally, the exacerbation of plaque pathology was region-specific as it did not increase in the cortex. The burden of the AP-4 linked axonal dystrophies/AP-4 dystrophies was higher in the corpus callosum and hippocampus compared to the cortex, establishing the critical role of AP-4 -dependent axonal lysosome transport and maturation in regulating amyloidogenic amyloid precursor protein processing.
Significance Statement A major pathological feature of Alzheimer’s disease is the accumulation of axonal lysosomes near sites of amyloid plaques. Lysosome accumulation is thought to contribute to amyloid production. In fact, a genetic perturbation that arrests lysosomes in axons exacerbates amyloid plaque pathology. The mechanisms that control axonal lysosome abundance as well the molecular composition of axonal endolysosomes that produce Abeta, however, are not fully understood. Axonal lysosome build-up is emerging as a common pathology in other neurodegenerative disorders such as Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia (HSP), but its relevance to amyloid production is unknown. We find that a model of HSP caused by loss of AP-4 adaptor complex lead to axonal lysosome buildup that differs in some of its content, but still contributes to amyloidogenesis. This demonstrates that different perturbations leading to changes in heterogeneous pool of axonal lysosomes can converge on a common pathology.
Research reported in this publication was supported by the Wolverine Foundation (Swetha Gowrishankar/ S.G), The Ralph and Marian Falk Medical Trust (S.G), the National Institute on Aging of the National Institutes of Health [RF1AG076653 (S.G), R01AG074248 (S.G)] , National Institutes of Health [DP2MH136390 (Ruixuan Gao/ R.G), UG3MH126864 (R.G)], Searle Scholars Program (R.G), McKnight Technological Innovations in Neuroscience Award (R.G). The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.
R.G. is a co-inventor of multiple patents related to expansion microscopy. The other authors declare that they have no competing financial interests.
↵#These authors contributed equally to the work
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