Individual neurons in sensory cortices exhibit specific receptive fields based on their dendritic patterns. These dendritic morphologies are established and refined during the neonatal period through activity-dependent plasticity. This process can be visualized using two-photon in vivo time-lapse imaging, but sufficient spatiotemporal resolution is essential. We previously examined dendritic patterning from spiny stellate (SS) neurons, the major type of layer 4 (L4) neurons, in the mouse primary somatosensory cortex (barrel cortex), where mature dendrites display a strong orientation bias toward the barrel center. Longitudinal imaging at 8-h intervals revealed the long-term dynamics by which SS neurons acquire this unique dendritic pattern. However, the spatiotemporal resolution was insufficient to detect the more rapid changes in SS neuron dendrite morphology during the critical neonatal period. In the current study, we imaged neonatal L4 neurons hourly for 8 h and improved the spatial resolution by uniform cell-surface labeling. The improved spatiotemporal resolution allowed detection of precise changes in dendrite morphology and revealed aspects of short-term dendritic dynamics unique to the neonatal period. Basal dendrites of barrel cortex L4 neurons were highly dynamic. In particular, both barrel-inner and barrel-outer dendrites (trees and branches) emerged/elongated and disappeared/retracted at similarly high frequencies, suggesting that SS neurons acquire biased dendrite patterns through rapid trial-and-error emergence, elongation, elimination, and retraction of dendritic trees and branches. We also found correlations between morphology and behavior (elongation/retraction) of dendritic tips. Thus, the current study revealed short-term dynamics and related features of cortical neuron dendrites during refinement.
Significance Statement
The formation of proper dendritic patterns during early postnatal development is essential for normal neuronal circuit function in adulthood. To elucidate the mechanisms responsible for this refinement, in vivo imaging with high spatiotemporal resolution is useful. Our previous long-term in vivo imaging studies have clarified aspects of dendritic refinement mechanism; however, due to the long intervals (8-h) between image acquisitions, rapid changes in dendritic morphology were missed. Here hourly in vivo time-lapse imaging of neonatal mouse barrel cortex over 8 h revealed the rapid changes in the dendrite morphology of layer 4 neurons, thereby providing a more comprehensive record of dendritic refinement during postnatal development for mechanistic analysis.
The authors declare no competing financial interests.
This work was supported by MEXT KAKENHI JP20H03346, JP16H06459 and JP21K18245; and the Collaborative Research Project (2023-#23017) of Brain Research Institute, Niigata University to T.I.
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