At rest, mammalian brains display remarkable spatiotemporal complexity, evolving through recurrent functional connectivity states on a slow timescale of the order of tens of seconds. While the phenomenology of the resting state dynamics is valuable in distinguishing healthy and pathological brains, little is known about its underlying mechanisms. Here, we identify neuronal cascades as a potential mechanism. Using full-brain network modeling, we show that neuronal populations, coupled via a detailed structural connectome, give rise to large-scale cascades of firing rate fluctuations evolving at the same time scale of resting-state networks. The ignition and subsequent propagation of cascades depend upon the brain state and connectivity of each region. The largest cascades produce bursts of Blood-Oxygen-Level-Dependent (BOLD) co-fluctuations at pairs of regions across the brain, which shape the simulated resting-state network dynamics.We experimentally confirm these theoretical predictions. We demonstrate the existence and stability of intermittent epochs of functional connectivity comprising BOLD co-activation bursts in mice and human fMRI. We then provide evidence for the existence and leading role of the neuronal cascades in humans with simultaneous EEG/fMRI recordings. These results show that neuronal cascades are a major determinant of spontaneous fluctuations in brain dynamics at rest.
Significance Statement
Functional connectivity and its dynamics are widely used as a proxy of brain function and dysfunction. Their neuronal underpinnings remain unclear. Using connectome-based modeling, we link the fast temporal microscopic neuronal scale to the slow emergent whole-brain dynamics. We show that cascades of neuronal activations spontaneously propagate in resting state-like conditions. The largest neuronal cascades result in the co-fluctuation of Blood-Oxygen-Level-Dependent signals at pairs of brain regions, which in turn translate to stable brain states. Thus, we provide a theoretical framework for the emergence and the dynamics of resting-state networks. We verify these predictions in empirical mouse fMRI and human EEG/fMRI datasets measured in resting states conditions. Our work sheds light on the multiscale mechanisms of brain function.
The authors declare no competing financial interests
Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR): ANR-17-CE37-0001 - CONNECTOME and ANR-20-NEUC-0005-01 - Brainstim; EC | Horizon 2020 (EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation): 945539 (SGA3); EC | Horizon 2020 (EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation): 826421
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