Article Information
- Received March 30, 2022
- Revision received November 7, 2022
- Accepted November 11, 2022
- Published online November 21, 2022.
Author Information
- Dragoş Cȋrneci1,2,
- Mihaela Onu1,3,
- Claudiu C. Papasteri1,4,
- Dana Georgescu5,
- Cătălina Poalelungi1,
- Alexandra Sofonea1,
- Nicoleta Puşcaşu1,
- Dumitru Tanase1,
- Teofila Rădeanu2,
- Maria-Yaelle Toader2,
- Andreea L. Dogaru2,
- Ioana R. Podină1,4,
- Alexandru I. Berceanu1 and
- Ioana Carcea1,6
- 1CINETic Center, University of Theatre and Film “I.L. Caragiale” Bucharest, Bucharest, 020941, Romania
- 2Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Spiru Haret University, Bucharest, 060821, Romania
- 3Medical Imaging Department, Clinical Hospital Prof. Drive Th. Burghele, Bucharest, 061344, Romania
- 4Department of Psychology, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, 050657, Romania
- 5Provita Medical Center, Bucharest, 011403, Romania
- 6Department of Pharmacology, Physiology and Neuroscience, Rutgers Brain Health Institute, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Newark, NJ, 07103
- Correspondence should be addressed to Ioana Carcea at ioana.carcea{at}
Author contributions
Author contributions: D.C., M.O., C.C.P., A.I.B., and I.C. designed research; D.C., M.O., D.G., C.P., A.S., N.P., D.T., T.R., M.-Y.T., and A.L.D. performed research; D.C., M.O., C.C.P., D.G., C.P., A.S., N.P., I.R.P., and A.I.B. contributed unpublished reagents/analytic tools; M.O., C.C.P., C.P., I.R.P., and I.C. analyzed data; D.C., M.O., A.S., I.R.P., A.I.B., and I.C. wrote the paper.
The authors declare no competing financial interests.
The project “Developing a methodology of therapy through theatre with an effect at the neurochemical and neurocognitive levels” is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through Competitiveness Operational Programme 2014-2020, SMIS code 106688, and implemented by University of Theater and Film “I.L. Caragiale,” CINETic Centre. Additionally, this work was also supported by the European Economic Area (EEA)/Norway Grant EEA-RO-NO-2018-0606.
European Regional Development Fund
106688European Economic Area/Norway Grant
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