Figure 3. Optical intrinsic signal recordings using the superfusion chamber. A, Experimental scheme of OIS recordings in vivo. B, Field of view of the cortical surface fixed under the presser recorded using the green illumination shown on the left. Expanded view of the presser with clearance (red) and crosspiece (blue). C, OIS evoked by whisker stimulation from the experiment shown in B. Note the crosspiece and clearance zones are over the barrel cortex. D, Comparison of the dynamics of the OISs recorded under the clearance (red), crosspiece (blue), and that recorded through the skull (gray). The shaded area corresponds to the SD of the OIS. E, Group data for the OIS amplitude under the clearance (red), crosspiece (blue), and recorded through the skull (gray). F, Group data for OIS onset in the zone of clearance (red), crosspiece (blue), and through the skull (gray). G, Group data for OIS duration under the clearance (red), crosspiece (blue), and through the skull (gray). Black filled circles represent mean values, black whiskers, confidence intervals based on the t Student’s criteria.