Figure 1. Maternal care behaviors are different between EE and SD Sprague Dawley rat dams. A, Timeline of experimental procedures. B, Representative photographs of EE housing and litters. C, Representative photographs of SD housing and litters. D, Average number of pups born (male, female, and total pups) per SD and EE housing group (n = 8). E, Total time (seconds) SD and EE housed dams spent exploring P7 alien pups from different housing conditions (n = 9). Percent of time that dams spent on the nest across P1–P4 and P10 in the (F) light, (G) dark, and (H) light + dark periods combined. Total time (seconds) that dams spent on the nest collapsed across P1–P4 and P10 in the (I) light, (J) dark, and (K) light + dark periods combined. Stacked bars depict the frequency of pup directed nursing behaviors (arched back nursing, blanked/passive nursing, total nursing) collapsed across P1–P4 and P10 in the (L) light, (M) dark, and (N) light + dark periods. Stacked bars depict the frequency of other types of pup directed behaviors (licking/grooming, pup retrievals, nest building behaviors) collapsed across P1–P4 and P10 in the (O) light, (P) dark, and (Q) light + dark periods. Stacked bars depict the frequency of maternal self-directed behaviors (self-grooming, eating/drinking, tail/arm chases) collapsed across P1–P4 and P10 in the (R) light, (S) dark, and (T) light + dark periods (n = 8). Data are expressed as mean ± SEM; SD: open circles versus EE: closed circles. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, SD versus EE; aap < 0.01, main effect of housing; bp < 0.05, main effect of postnatal day. See Extended Data Figure 1-1.