Figure 4. Oligodendrocyte maturation is mediated by LPC 18:1. A, Rat oligodendrocyte progenitor cells culture depicts with typical OPC morphology (bright field). Arrows point toward OPCs, inlet panel represents the area in dotted square at a higher magnification. B, Immunocytochemistry of rat OPCs treated with LPC 18:1 or LPC 18:0 at 10 μm, and C13-Histidine at 10 μm demonstrating LPC 18:1-mediated oligodendrocyte maturation. MBP: catalog #ab7349, Abcam; OSP: catalog #ab7474, Abcam. Blue, DAPI; green, MBP; red, OSP. Scale bar, 25 μm. C, Reactome pathway analysis of proteins labeled with C13-histidine in the LPC 18:1 and LPC 18:0 OPC-treated groups. Reactome pathway interactors were excluded, pathway p-value ≤ 0.05. D, OPC groups incubated with Cy5-LPC 18:1 at different time points followed by UV cross-linking. PhastGel identification of proteins crossed linked with Cy5-LPC 18:1 (pink band). E, Relative abundance of LPC 18:1 in rat OPC, rat oligodendrocyte and mouse retinal ganglion cell cultures transfected with siRNAs. LPCAT1: catalog #s102346, Ambion; PLA2G4C: catalog #s107315, Ambion; LIPC: catalog #s67780, Ambion. ±SEM; *p ≤ 0.05, **p ≤ 0.01. F, Relative abundance of LPC 18:1 rat OPC, rat oligodendrocyte, and mouse retinal ganglion cell cultures transfected with overexpression constructs. LPGAT1: catalog #Ex-mm15104-M61, Genecopoeia; LIPC: catalog #Ex-mm03119-M61, Genecopoeia. ±SEM; *p ≤ 0.05, **p ≤ 0.01. G, OPC cell cultures treated with exogenous LPC 18:1 or LPC 18:0 followed by cellular fractionation. SNX4: catalog #ab198504, Abcam; PPAR-δ: catalog #ab23673, Abcam; CHD7: catalog #6505S, Cell Signaling Technology; PCLO: catalog #ab20664, Abcam. EF, Extracellular fraction; CF, cytosolic fraction; NF, nuclear fraction. H, Nuclear fraction electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) of OPC cell cultures treated with exogenous LPC 18:1 or LPC 18:0. I, protein–lipid overlay assay demonstrating the binding of selected proteins with LPC 18:1 and LPC 18:0. SNX4: catalog #ab198504, Abcam; PPAR-δ: catalog #ab23673, Abcam; CHD7: catalog #6505S, Cell Signaling Technology; PCLO: catalog #ab20664, Abcam. J, Proposed model for LPC 18:1-mediated remyelination through oligodendrocyte maturation. See Extended Data Figures 4-1, 4-2, 4-3, 4-4, 4-5, and 4-6.