Figure 2-1
Assessment of associations between DGL, mGlu5, and Homer1b/c in the NAc of drug-naive animals. A, Coimmunoprecipitation experiments assessing the association between DGL and mGlu5. Left, Results of an experiment in which DGL was immunoprecipitated from NAc core homogenates, followed by immunoblotting for mGlu5 in the starting material (SM; homogenate), Bound (B) or immunoprecipitated fraction, and unbound (UB) fraction. mGlu5 is present in all fractions. Right, Results after immunoprecipitating mGlu5 from the same starting material and immunoblotting for DGL. Although DGL is more abundant in starting material and unbound fractions, it is detectable in the bound fraction. B, C, Coimmunoprecipitation experiments assessing the association between DGL and Homer1b/c. Although Homer1b/c is present in the starting material (B), it is not detected in the bound fraction after immunoprecipitation of DGL (C); the arrow in C shows the molecular weight at which the Homer1b/c band should have been observed. IB, Immunoblot. Download Figure 2-1, TIF file.