Figure 1. Effect of optogenetic blue light patterns on SNr firing in slices. A–C, Whole-cell recordings from SNr cells in slices of Vgat-SNr-ChR2 (A), Vgat-Str-ChR2 (B), and Vgat-ChR2 (C) mice. Each panel overlays five trials showing the effect of continuous blue light (upper) and of a blue light train (lower, 20 Hz; 1-ms pulses) applied in SNr (each panel highlights one trial in red). The schematic indicates in green the expression of ChR2 in GABAergic cells of either the SNr (A), the striatum (B), or both (C). Note that in Vgat-ChR2 mice, the continuous pulse excited the SNr cell, while the train inhibits the SNr cell, which is a combination of the effects evoked in the other mice. D, Effect of continuous blue light at different powers (0.1 vs 0.25 mW; left and middle panels), which reveals an IPSP at the onset of the pulse when the power is increased. Application of a train (20 Hz; 1-ms pulses) at the same 0.25-mW power drives a sustained IPSP that abolishes SNr firing. Each panel highlights one trial in red. E, Overlay of averaged traces at the onset of continuous blue light at the two different powers reveal the IPSP evoked by the light at the higher power. F, Population data from whole-cell recordings showing the effect of different patterns of blue light on the firing of SNr cells in slices from Vgat-ChR2 and Vgat-SNr-ChR2 mice. In Vgat-SNr-ChR2 mice, which express ChR2 selectively in SNr GABAergic cells, blue light produces an increase in SNr firing as a function of train frequency that becomes maximal during continuous blue light. In contrast, in Vgat-ChR2 mice that also express ChR2 in GABAergic afferents to SNr, blue light applied as trains produces a suppression of SNr firing while continuous blue light excites SNr firing.