Figure 5. Neurogenesis was impaired in the dentate gyrus of postnatal, developing DG-NR1KO mice. A, Representative images showing Ki67+ (green) and DAPI-labeled (red) cells in the dentate gyrus of four-week-old control and DG-NR1KO mice. Scale bar: 60 μm. B, Density of Ki67+ cells in the subgranular zone in two-, three-, and four-week-old control and DG-NR1KO mice. C, Representative images showing DCX+ (green) and DAPI-labeled (red) cells in the dentate gyrus of two-, three-, and four-week-old control and DG-NR1KO mice. The images were maximum intensity projections of confocal Z stacks. Scale bar: 25 μm. D, Density of DCX+ cells in the granule cell layer of two-, three-, and four-week-old control and DG-NR1KO mice. E, Representative images showing the granule cell layer visualized by DAPI staining in two-, three-, and four-week-old control and DG-NR1KO mice. Scale bar: 150 μm. F, Volume of the granule cell layer (GCL) in two-, three-, and four-week-old control and DG-NR1KO mice. Summed volume from six analyzed sections is presented; *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.005, independent-sample t test, two tailed.