Figure 5. Kv4.2 channels are expressed by a minority of WT and Kv4.3−/− SNc DA neurons. A, top, Low-magnification pictures of the SNc showing (from left to right) TH (red), Kv4.3 (green), and DAPI (blue) stainings in WT (top row) and Kv4.3−/− mice (bottom row). Bottom, High-magnification pictures of SNc DA neurons showing (from left to right) TH (red), Kv4.3 (green), and DAPI (blue) stainings in WT (top row) and Kv4.3−/− mice (bottom row). B, Effect of the AR procedure on Kv4.2 detection in the SNc. Top, Low-magnification pictures showing (from left to right) TH (red), Kv4.2 (green), and DAPI staining (blue) without (top row) or with AR (bottom row). Bottom, left, High-magnification pictures of the insets depicted in the merged low-magnification picture and corresponding to a Kv4.2-negative (left) and a Kv4.2-positive SNc DA neuron (middle), for which inset pictures (right) illustrate the region selected to characterize the immunofluorescence profile of Kv4.2 and TH stainings (3 μm yellow bar). Bottom, right, Immunofluorescence profiles of Kv4.2 (green, top graph), Kv4.3 (green, bottom graph), and TH staining (red, both graphs) showing that both Kv4.2 and Kv4.3 profiles are very similar and strongly suggestive of specific plasma membrane expression. The average profiles (n = 5) shown here were defined over 3-μm selected regions of interest (yellow bar above the graph), such as the one shown on the inset pictures on the left. C, left, High-magnification pictures showing (from left to right) TH (red), Kv4.2 (green), and DAPI staining (blue) after AR in WT (top row) and Kv4.3−/− mice (bottom row). Right, Expanded view of the Kv4.2-positive cells (1, 2) highlighted in the merged pictures on the left. To overcome differences regarding levels of TH expression in different DA neurons, different minimum and maximum display settings were applied for the TH channel. D, Bar plot showing the counts of Kv4.2-negative (dark colors) and Kv4.2-positive (light colors) cells observed in the SNc of WT (black bar) and Kv4.3−/− mice (red bar). n.s., non-significant. Scale bars: 100 μm (A, top row), 10 μm (A, bottom row), 10 μm (B, top row), 10 μm (B, bottom row), 2 μm (B, inset), and 10 μm (C).