Figure 2. Comparison of seizure induction methods in Drosophila adults and larvae. We tested BS pk-sple, eas, jus, and bss lines and heat-sensitive DS and GEFS+ lines. A, Vortex-induced seizures in pk-sple 15.22 s [95% CI: 11.37, 20.69], eas 107.54 s [95% CI: 88.71, 123.84], jus 73.35 s [95% CI: 64.60, 79.88], and bss 168.35 s [95CI: 157.31, 179.39]. No SLA was observed in CS, DS-C, DS, GEFS-C, and GEFS+ flies. B, Seizure duration induced by the heat assay. DS showed seizures of average 71.82 s and GEFS+ of 431.03 s, with no seizures recorded for the respective matched controls (DS-C and GEFS-C). pk-sple showed seizures of 136.67 s [95% CI: 87.42, 191.84]. By comparison, CS, OR, jus, bss, or eas did not show heat-induced seizures. C, Cumulative fraction of flies seizing throughout the 120 s of heat assay. Only 100% of DS flies seized during the 2-min period. Other genotypes reached a maximum of: 90% for GEFS+, 83% for pk-sple, and 20% for eas. D, Electroshock induced seizures in all genotypes tested. Results of OR, jus, eas, bss, and pk-sple are reported as a ratio to CS seizure duration which was measured at 97.0 s [95% CI: 95.4, 101.6]. There were no differences between OR and CS. Pk-sple exhibited the weakest phenotype with seizure duration increased by 57.47%, whereas bss showed an increase of 244.11%. eas and jus had 112.62% and 104.95% longer seizures. DS and GEFS+ seizure durations are reported as a ratio to their respective controls (DS-C and GEFS-C). DS showed 119.78% and GEFS+ 70.67% increase in seizures as compared with controls. E, Seizure induction in larva and adult flies have similar effectiveness (R2 = 0.85 [95% CI: 0.03, 1.0], shaded area indicates 95% CI for the linear regression model fit). Effect sizes for adults were derived from vortex assay for BS and heat assay for temperature-sensitive lines.