Article Information
- Received December 16, 2020
- Revision received March 14, 2021
- Accepted April 1, 2021
- Published online April 26, 2021.
Author Information
- Hiroyuki Watanabe1,*,
- Olga Nosova1,*,
- Daniil Sarkisyan1,*,
- Marlene Storm Andersen2,*,
- Liliana Carvalho3,*,
- Vladimir Galatenko4,
- Igor Bazov1,
- Nikolay Lukoyanov3,5,6,
- Gisela H. Maia5,6,3,
- Mathias Hallberg1,
- Mengliang Zhang2,7,
- Jens Schouenborg7,# and
- Georgy Bakalkin1,#
- 1Department of Pharmaceutical Biosciences, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, 751 24
- 2Department of Molecular Medicine, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark, 5230
- 3Departamento de Biomedicina da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto, Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Celular, Porto, Portugal, 4200-135
- 4Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, 119991
- 5Medibrain, Vila do Conde, Porto, Portugal, 4480-807
- 6Brain Research Institute, Porto, Portugal, 4200-135
- 7Neuronano Research Center, Department of Experimental Medical Science, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, 223 81
- Correspondence should be addressed to Georgy Bakalkin at georgy.bakalkin{at}
Author contributions
Author contributions: N.L., M.H., M.Z., J.S., and G.B. designed research; H.W., O.N., M.S.A., L.C., I.B., N.L., and G.H.M. performed research; H.W., O.N., D.S., V.G., N.L., M.Z., J.S., and G.B. analyzed data; O.N. and G.B. wrote the paper.
↵* H.W., O.N., D.S., M.S.A., and L.C. contributed equally to this work.
The authors declare no competing financial interests.
The work was supported by Swedish Research Council Grants K2014-62X-12190-19-5 and 2019-01771-3 (to G.B.) and 2016-06195 (to J.S.), L. Hiertas Minne Foundation and P.O. Zetterling Foundation (to O.N.), Uppsala University (to G.B.), Lund University and Skåne County Council Grant F2018/1490 (to J.S.), and the Government of the Russian Federation Grant 14.W03.31.0031 (to V.G.).
↵# J.S. and G.B. are co-senior authors.
V. Galatenko’s present address: Evotec International GmbH, Göttingen, Germany.
Swedish Research Council
K2014-62X-12190-19-5; 2019-01771-3; 2016-0619Stiftelsen Lars Hiertas Minne (Lars Hierta Memorial Foundation)
P. O. Zetterlings stiftelse (P.O. Zetterling Foundation)
Uppsala Universitet (Uppsala University)
Lunds Universitet (Lund University)
Skane Country Council
F2018/1490Government of the Russian Federation
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