Figure 7. The severity of interruption of the ENS migration depends on the Ednrb gene dosage in RET51(C618F)/- mice. A, Whole-mount GFP staining of P0 Ret51/EGFP/Ednrb+/− and Ret51(C618F)/EGFP/Ednrb+/− gut. White arrowheads indicate the location of wavefront of enteric neurons. B, Comparison of location of ENS wavefront between Ret51(C618F)/EGFP and Ret51(C618F)/EGFP/Ednrb+/− mice at P0. Reduction of Ednrb gene dosage increased the severity of enteric aganglionosis of Ret51(C618F)/EGFP mice. C, Whole-mount GFP staining of the enteric neurons in E12.5 Ret51(C618F)/EGFP/Ednrb+/− gut. White arrowhead indicates location of the wavefront of ENS precursors. D, Whole-mount GFP, PGP9.5, Sox10, and pERK pathway stainings of ENS cells of Ret51(C618F)/EGFP/Ednrb+/− embryos at E12.5. Activation of ERK was observed in ENS precursors at the migratory wavefront. E, Immunohistochemical detection of GFRα1 (green) in ENS progenitors (whose nuclei marked in magenta by anti-Phox2b antibody) of wild-type, Gdnf+/–, and Ednrb+/− embryos (E12.5). Ce, cecum; Co, colon; Si, small intestine; Hg, hindgut; Mg, midgut. Scale bars: 1 mm (A), 250 μm (C), and 20 μm (D), 50 μm (E).