Figure 4. Spike timing-dependent mechanisms of interactions. A, If the spike timing of cortical neurons becomes synchronized, they maximize their impact on downstream cells where their outputs converge, resulting in stronger and faster depolarization (mechanism 1: shift in spike timing). B, γ Oscillations reflecting asymmetric periods of excitation and inhibition could result in prolonged thalamic disinhibition and rebound activity, boosting thalamic firing rates from relatively low baseline firing rates to reach >100 Hz (Goldberg et al., 2013). C, Hypothetical model of surround inhibition through staggered GPi firing. Note that here surround inhibition does not consist of excitation via the direct pathway and inhibition through the indirect pathway as proposed before (Mink, 1996), but instead emerges from temporal offsets in rhythmic activity. During movement onset, a substantial number of STN cells synchronously fire at ∼70 Hz, establishing rhythmic activity in the GPi, while some striatal direct-pathway MSNs also increase and inhibit the GPi more focally (dMSN channel 1). Spikes resulting in movement facilitation are coloured in green. The MSN firing rates at movement onset seem to be substantially lower (∼20 Hz; Alexander, 1987) than those of STN cells, hence GPi target ensembles may not be fully silenced, but instead, their bouts of rhythmic activity, as found in LFP recordings (Brown et al., 2001; Brücke et al., 2012; Tsang et al., 2012; Singh and Bötzel, 2013), may be shorter and delayed (GPi Ch1) relative to the bouts of non-target ensembles that receive no dMSN inhibition (GPi Ch2). Inhibitory GPe activity, which can reach rates of ∼120 Hz during movement execution, could in principle take on a similar role as the dMSN Ch1 cells in reducing and delaying GPi activity (not shown in the schematic). The delayed bouts of GPi Ch1 ensembles would allow thalamic spiking activity in the pauses between successive GPi spikes to occur earlier in Thal Ch1 versus Thal Ch2. The BG-recipient thalamus projects to cortical L1, modulating pyramidal neurons in deeper layers by targeting their dendritic tufts (Garcia-Munoz and Arbuthnott, 2015). The earlier activation of Ctx Ch1 cells may engage a local network of interneurons closing the door to any Thal Ch2 inputs arriving with a delay.