Extended Data Figure 8-2
Computer Simulations of flip-flop circuits: setting flip-flop synaptic weights and excitatory bias currents. A, Connection weighting was tuned prior to setting the level of excitatory bias current. Initial connection weights were divided by a factor, d, ranging from 1.8 to 2.8 in 0.1-unit increments. Nj→Ri weights were changed independent of Rj→Ni weights. A total of 121 combinations of Nj→Ri of and Rj→Ni weighting were used (Extended Data Fig. 9-1A). B–D, Examples (3/121) of the simulated combinations of flip-flop weighting. For each weighting combination, we calculated the difference in population firing rate over time and converted these data to a histogram showing the frequencies of binned R-N firing rate differences. Bimodal histograms indicate flip-flops that spontaneously switch between N-state and R-state. The height of the left and right peaks of the histograms indicate the prevalence of the N-state and R-state, respectively. The height of the intervening trough indicates the prevalence of N/R intermediate states. E, F, 11 × 11 simulation spaces where individual cells in the grid correspond to a given parameter combination and the color coding is a representation of the firing rate histogram generated from that particular set of simulations: the height of the N-peak, N/R trough, and the R-peak are indicated by the color of the left, middle, and right bars, respectively. The parameter combinations selected for experimental simulations are outlined in yellow. E, The stimulation space for synaptic weight (columns correspond to R→N weighting; rows correspond to N→R weighting). F, The simulation space for excitatory bias current (columns correspond to R neuron current; columns correspond to N neuron current). Download Figure 8-2, TIF file.