Animal behavior is dynamic, evolving over multiple timescales from milliseconds to days and even across a lifetime. To understand the mechanisms governing these dynamics, it is necessary to capture multi-timescale structure from behavioral data. Here, we develop computational tools and study the behavior of hundreds of larval zebrafish tracked continuously across multiple 24-h day/night cycles. We extracted millions of movements and pauses, termed bouts, and used unsupervised learning to reduce each larva’s behavior to an alternating sequence of active and inactive bout types, termed modules. Through hierarchical compression, we identified recurrent behavioral patterns, termed motifs. Module and motif usage varied across the day/night cycle, revealing structure at sub-second to day-long timescales. We further demonstrate that module and motif analysis can uncover novel pharmacological and genetic mutant phenotypes. Overall, our work reveals the organization of larval zebrafish behavior at multiple timescales and provides tools to identify structure from large-scale behavioral datasets.
Significance Statement
Behavior is dynamic and not only can change from one second to the next but also can unfold over many hours or even days. Understanding how behavior is organized on these different timescales is a critical task in neuroscience, because the constraints on and patterns of behavior offer important clues about the underlying computations being performed in the brain. The analysis tools we develop in this manuscript and apply from sub-second to day-long larval zebrafish behavior expands our understanding of how behavioral patterns change at multiple timescales. The computational metrics we describe can now be used to understand the behavioral consequences of psychotropic drugs or genetic lesions associated with neurodevelopmental and neuropsychiatric disorders.
To survive, animals must coordinate patterns of action and inaction in response to their environment. These actions and inactions, which together we will define as behavior, result from some function incorporating internal (e.g., transcriptional, hormonal, or neuronal activity) and external (e.g., time of day or temperature) state. Thus, behavioral descriptions provide insight into the underlying mechanisms that control behavior and are a necessary step in understanding these systems (Krakauer et al., 2017).
Animal behavior, however, typically has many degrees of freedom and evolves over multiple timescales from milliseconds (Wiltschko et al., 2015) to days (Proekt et al., 2012; Fulcher and Jones, 2017) and even across an animal’s entire lifespan (Jordan et al., 2013; Stern et al., 2017). As such, quantitatively describing behavior remains both conceptually and technically challenging (Berman, 2018; Brown and de Bivort, 2018). Inspired by early ideas from ethology (Lashley, 1951; Tinbergen, 2010), one approach is to describe behavior in terms of simple modules that are arranged into more complex motifs. Behavioral modules are often defined from postural data as stereotyped movements, such as walking in Drosophila (Berman et al., 2014; Vogelstein et al., 2014; Robie et al., 2017) and mice (Wiltschko et al., 2015), while behavioral motifs are defined as sequences of modules, which capture the patterns inherent to animal behavior, such as grooming in Drosophila (Berman et al., 2014, 2016).
Zebrafish larvae have emerged as a powerful model organism in neuroscience, owing to their genetic tractability (Howe et al., 2013), translucency (Vanwalleghem et al., 2018), and amenability to pharmacological screening (Rihel and Ghosh, 2015). In terms of behavior, larvae exhibit an alternating sequence of movements and pauses, termed bouts. This structure is particularly suited to modular description as individual bouts can be easily segmented and it is relatively easy to acquire many examples from even a single animal due to the high frequency of their movement (Kim et al., 2017). Leveraging these advantages, recent work used unsupervised learning to uncover a locomotor repertoire of 13 swim types in larval zebrafish, including slow forward swims and faster escape swims (Marques et al., 2018). However, the inactive periods between swim bouts were not considered, despite reflecting behavioral states such as passivity in the face of adversity (Mu et al., 2019) or even sleep (Prober et al., 2006).
To explore an animal’s full behavioral repertoire, from fast movements to sleep, it is necessary to study behavior over long timescales. To date, however, module and motif descriptions of behavior have been developed from videos 15 min (Vogelstein et al., 2014; Wiltschko et al., 2015; Robie et al., 2017) to 2 h (Marques et al., 2018) in length. Consequently, most identified behavioral structure has been on the order of milliseconds, and the existence of longer-timescale structure, on the order of minutes to hours has remained largely unexplored. The development of methods to extract multi-timescale structure from long-timescale recordings would open avenues to explore questions about how behavior varies across the day/night cycle and develops across an animal’s lifespan. Furthermore, as pharmacologically or genetically induced behavioral phenotypes can differ at different times of the day/night cycle in zebrafish larvae (Rihel et al., 2010a; Hoffman et al., 2016), a long-timescale approach would provide valuable phenotyping information.
Currently, the limiting factor in scaling these methods is the volume of data, owing to the high framerates and dimensionality required to estimate animal posture. Here, we present an alternative approach in which we trade dimensionality for scale by building a module and motif description of larval zebrafish behavior from a one-dimensional behavioral parameter recorded over time. Specifically, we used a high-throughput behavioral set-up (Rihel et al., 2010b) to continuously monitor the activity of hundreds of zebrafish larvae across multiple days and nights. To identify multi-timescale behavioral structure, we developed a three-step computational approach. First, we used unsupervised learning to identify a set of 10 behavioral modules that describe both active and inactive bout structure. Second, we applied a compression algorithm (Nevill-Manning and Witten, 2000) to our module data to compile a library of almost 50,000 motifs, revealing behavioral patterns organized across sub-second to minute timescales. Finally, we used a supervised learning algorithm (Peng et al., 2005) to identify motifs from the library used at particular times of the day/night cycle. To test the ability of our approach to detect biologically relevant phenotypes, we also studied the behavior of larvae exposed to the seizure-inducing drug, pentylenetetrazol (PTZ; Baraban et al., 2005), the sedating drug, melatonin (Zhdanova et al., 2001), and mutants of the hypocretin receptor (hcrtr; Yokogawa et al., 2007), the loss of which is associated with narcolepsy in humans (Lin et al., 1999) and altered bout structure in zebrafish (Yokogawa et al., 2007; Elbaz et al., 2012). We found that our computational approach could readily detect both compound dose and mutant specific differences in module and motif usage, demonstrating the biological relevance of our behavioral description.
Ultimately, our work reveals the organization of larval zebrafish behavior at sub-second to day-long timescales and provides new computational tools to identify structure from large-scale behavioral datasets.
Materials and Methods
Animal husbandry
Adult zebrafish were reared by University College London (UCL) Fish Facility on a 14/10 h light/dark cycle (lights on: 9 A.M. to 11 P.M.). To obtain embryos, pairs of adult males and females were isolated overnight with a divider that was removed at 9 A.M. the following morning. After a few hours, fertile embryos were collected and sorted under a bright-field microscope into groups of 50 embryos per 10-cm Petri dish filled with fresh fish water (0.3 g/l Instant Ocean). Plates were kept in an incubator at 28.5°C on a 14/10 h light/dark cycle. Using a Pasteur pipet under a bright-field microscope, debris was removed from the plates and the fish water replaced each day. All work was in accordance with the United Kingdom Animal Experimental Procedures Act (1986) under Home Office Project License 70/7612 awarded to J.R.
Behavioral setup
For all behavioral experiments a Pasteur pipet was used to transfer single zebrafish larvae [aged 4–5 d post fertilization (dpf)] into the individual wells of a clear 96-square well plate (7701-1651; Whatman); then each well was filled with 650 μl of fish water. For experiments longer than 24 h, larvae were plated at 4 dpf and tracking was started the same day. For the duration of these experiments, evaporated fish water was replaced each morning between 9 and 9:30 A.M. For the wild-type experiments, each plate was covered with a plastic lid (4311971; Applied Biosystems) to prevent evaporation and to negate the need to replenish the fish water. For the 24-h small molecule experiments (melatonin and PTZ), larvae were plated at 5dpf and the plates were left overnight in a 28.5°C 14 h/10 h light/dark incubator. The following morning each plate was transferred to a behavior setup where larvae were dosed, between 9 and 10 A.M., immediately after which behavioral recordings were started and run for 24 h. Following two control rows, each row was dosed with a successively higher concentration of test compound. Larvae were not fed either before or during experiments.
To record each animal’s behavior, each plate was placed into a Zebrabox (ViewPoint Life Sciences) running quantization mode with the following settings: detection sensitivity, 15; burst, 50; and freezing, 4. All experiments were conducted on a 14/10 h light/dark cycle (lights on at 9 A.M. to 11 P.M.) with constant infrared illumination. All experiments were recorded at 25 Hz. Larvae were tracked continuously for 24–73 h, after which all larvae unresponsive to touch with a 10-μl pipette tip were presumed sick or dead and excluded from subsequent analysis. In the wild-type experiments we additionally excluded wells in which a bubble had formed under the plastic lid. The number of larvae excluded/used for each set of experiments is as follows: wild type, 164/288 (all exclusions were due to bubble artefacts); hypocretin, 0/180; melatonin, 0/96; PTZ, 44/96 (doses of 10, 15, and 30 mM were lethal to all tested larvae over 24 h). Following each experiment, larvae were euthanized with an overdose of 2-phenoxyethanol (Acros Organics).
Fish lines
The term wild type refers to the AB x TUP LF zebrafish strain. This line was used for the wild-type experiments, as well as the melatonin and PTZ dose-response curves. hcrtr (ZFIN ID: hu2098; Yokogawa et al., 2007) experiments were conducted on embryos collected from heterozygous in-crosses, with larvae genotyped using KASP primers (LGC Genomics) post-tracking. KASP results were validated by comparison to PCR-based genotyping of samples from each KASP classified genotype.
hcrtr genotyping
DNA extraction
Following each hcrtr experiment, each larva was euthanized in its well (as above) and DNA was extracted using HotSHOT DNA preparation (Truett et al., 2000). Larval samples were transferred to the individual wells of a 96-well PCR plate. Excess liquid was pipetted from each well before applying 50 μl of 1× base solution (1.25 M KOH and 10 mM EDTA in water). Plates were heat sealed and incubated at 95°C for 30 min, then cooled to room temperature before the addition of 50 μl of 1× neutralization solution (2 M Tris-HCl in water).
The following reaction mixture per sample was prepared on ice in a 96-well PCR plate: 18.3 μl PCR mix (2 mM MgCl2, 14 mM, pH 8.4, Tris-HCl, 68 mM KCl, 0.14% gelatin in water, autoclaved for 20 min, cooled to room temperature, chilled on ice, then we added: 1.8% 100 mg/ml BSA and 0.14% 100 mM d [A, C, G, T] TP), 0.5 μl of forward and reverse primers (20 μM), 5.5 μl water, 0.2 μl of Taq polymerase, and 3.0 μl of DNA. Next, each plate was heat sealed and placed into a thermocycler, set with the following program: 95°C, 5 min; 44 cycles: 95°C, 30 s; 57°C, 30 s; and 72°C, 45 s; then 72°C, 10 min and 10°C until collection. Finally, samples were mixed with 6× loading buffer [colorless buffer: Ficoll-400, 12.5 g, Tris-HCl (1 M, pH 7.4) – 5 ml, EDTA (0.5 M) – 10 ml, to 50 ml in pure water; heated to 65°C to dissolve, per 10 ml of colorless buffer 25 mg of both xylene cyanol and orange G were added, then diluted to 6×] and run on agarose gels (1% – 2%) with 4% GelRed (Biotium).
hcrtr forward primer: 5′-CCACCCGCTAAAATTCAAAAGCACTGCTAAC-3′; hcrtr reverse primer: 5′-CATCACAGACGGTGAACAGG-3′.
PCR information
PCR products were digested with Ddel at 37°C to produce a 170-bp band in the wild-type animals and 140- and 30-bp bands in hcrtr mutants.
KASP genotyping was conducted in white, low profile PCR plates on ice with six wells allocated 50:50 for positive and negative controls. The following reaction mixture was prepared per sample: 3.89 μl of 2× KASP reaction mix, 0.11 μl KASP primers, 1.0 μl water, and 3.0 μl DNA. Plates were then heat sealed and placed into a thermocycler with the following thermal cycling program: 94°C, 15 min; 10 cycles: 94°C, 20 s; 61–53°C (dropping 0.8°C per cycle), 60 s; 26 cycles: 94°C, 20 s; 53°C, 60 s, then 10°C until collection.
Following thermal cycling we used a fluorescence reader (Bio-Rad CFX96 Real-Time System) and Bio-Rad CFX Manager software (version 3.1) to automatically determine each sample’s genotype from a 2D scatter plot of fluorescence in each channel. From this scatter plot, outlying samples of unclear genotype were manually excluded from subsequent analysis.
KASP assay ID: 554-0090.1
KASP Flanking Sequence (alternative allele shown in square brackets, with a forward slash indicating a deletion in the alternative allele): 5′-ACCGCTGGTATGCGATCTGCCACCCGCTAAAATTCAAAAGCACTGCTAAA[A/T]GAGCCCGCAAGAGCATC GTGCTGATCTGGCTGGTGTCCTGCATCATGATG-3′.
0.15 M melatonin and 1 M PTZ (M5250 and P6500; Sigma) stock solutions were made in DMSO and sterile water, respectively. Behavioral testing concentrations for each compound were selected based on Rihel et al. (2010a). For behavior experiments, each animal in a well with 650 μl of fish water was dosed with 1.3 μl of either vehicle control or compound at 500× concentration, resulting in a 1 in 500 dilution and thus the desired testing concentration.
A desktop computer with 16 GB of RAM was used for most data analysis, figure production, and writing. For two-time intensive steps, hierarchical compression of full module sequences (Batch_Compress.m) and normalizing the behavioral motif counts (Batch_Grammar_Freq.m), data were run in parallel, with a worker for every animal, on the UCL Legion Cluster (Research Computing Services, UCL).
All software used for data handling, analysis, and the production of figures is available at https://github.com/ghoshm/Structure_Paper. The codes are also available as Extended Data 1 and Extended Data 2.
Extended Data 1
Supplementary Paper Code_Extended Data. Download Extended Data 1, ZIP file.
Extended Data 2
Supplementary Legion Code_Extended Data. Download Extended Data 2, ZIP file.
Processing behavioral data
See Extended Data Figure 1-3 for a flow diagram describing behavioral data acquisition and analysis. All custom behavioral analysis software was written and run in MATLAB 2016b-2018a (MathWorks). The suffixes .m and .mat denote MATLAB code and MATLAB data files, respectively.
Behavioral data were recorded by subtracting subsequent pairs of frames from each other and determining the number of pixels that changed intensity within each well between each pair of frames, termed Δ pixels. To acquire behavior data, each Zebrabox was setup using ViewPoint’s ZEBRALAB software (version 3.22), which outputs a .xls and a .raw file (ViewPoint specific format) per experiment. Each behavior .xls file was reorganized into a .txt file using the function perl_batch_192.m (Jason Rihel). For each experiment a .txt metadata file assigning each animal to an experimental group, for example genotype, was manually produced. To replicate the previous analysis methodology, as in Extended Data Figure 1-1D, behavior and metadata .txt files were input to the function sleep_analysis2.m (Jason Rihel).
Extended Data Figure 1-1
Behavioral set-up and analysis. A, Schematic of our behavioral set-up. Note that aside from the computer, the set-up is fully enclosed. Not shown to scale. IR, infrared; LED, light emitting diode. B, Normalized temporal correlation of active bout starts between 24 wild-type larva (6 dpf) across 24 h. Pairwise correlations were computed and then grouped into three groups: autocorrelation (orange); neighbor fish, defined as larva in adjacent wells, diagonals excluded (light blue); and distant, non-neighbor fish (dark blue). Data from each group are plotted as a mean (bold line) and SD (shaded surround). Note that the y-axis is cropped from 1, where autocorrelation peaks, to 0.1. C, A fictive illustration of zebrafish behavior (blue line). Two minutes of data are shown divided by a black dashed vertical line. A 1-min binning approach would score both minutes as 20 s of activity and miss the 60-s period of inactivity in between. This latter loss leads to a discrepancy in the number of periods ≥60 s between the 1-min bin and 25-Hz methods (see D). D, The number of inactive periods ≥60 s for each of 124 wild-type animals is shown, as determined by both a 1-min bin and 25-Hz approach. Data are from each animal’s entire recording period (4–7 dpf). Data for each animal is shown as a pale blue line overlaid with a bold line showing the population mean and SD. Inset, The percentage of the 25-Hz counts detected by the 1-min bin method per animal. Each animal’s data are shown by a circle. An orange cross marks the population mean. E, Average activity across one day (white background) and night (dark background) for larvae exposed to either H2O (control) or a range of PTZ doses immediately prior to tracking at 6 dpf. Data for each larva was summed into seconds and then smoothed with a 15-min running average. Shown is a mean summed and smoothed trace (bold line) and SEM (shaded surround); n denotes the number of animals per condition. Download Figure 1-1, TIF file.
To assess data on a frame by frame basis, each experiment's .raw file, which was output from Viewpoint’s Zebrabox, was exported within the ZEBRALAB software to thousands of .xls files. Each .xls file contained 50,000 rows and 21 columns, with data from any given well listed approximately every 192 rows, as the setup always assumes recordings are from two 96-well plates. This formatting is, however, only approximate as infrequently the well order is erroneously non-sequential; these rows were termed ordering errors. Each .xls file is formatted with 21 columns, of which three contain useful data: type, notes when ViewPoint defined data acquisition errors occurred; location, denotes which well the data came from; and data1, records the Δ pixel value from that well for that time point.
The function Vp_Extract.m was used to reformat the .xls files from each experiment to single frame by fish matrices, from which each animal’s behavior was quantified. Vp_Extract.m requires three inputs to be selected: a folder containing the .xls files; a .txt behavior file output from perl_batch_192.m; and a .txt metadata file. To ensure that each animal has the same number of frames, frames with ViewPoint defined errors or ordering errors (which are automatically detected by Vp_Extract.m) are discarded. A maximum Δ pixels value can be set and active bouts containing even a single frame with a higher Δ pixels value than this are set to zero for the entire duration of the bout. Here a maximum Δ pixels threshold of 200 was set. This value was determined from manual inspection of the dataset as well as by comparisons of these data to data recorded from plates with no animals in. Following this step, the maximum Δ pixels value observed was 165. Most Δ pixels values were between 3 (minimum observed value) and 30 (Extended Data Fig. 1-2A). Time periods during which water is being replenished are automatically detected and set to a Δ pixels value of zero. These time periods are noted and excluded from later analysis. The function outputs .mat files for subsequent analysis. Either single or multiple .mat files output from Vp_Extract.m were input to Vp_Analyse.m and Bout_Clustering.m.
Extended Data Figure 1-2
Bout Features. A, Bout feature distributions during the day (light blue) and the night (dark blue). For the probability curves, each animal’s data were fit with a pdf. Shown is a mean pdf (bold line) and SD (shaded surround) with a log scale on the x-axis. For the scatter plots, each larva’s mean value across the days or nights (5–6 dpf) is shown as a light blue (day) or dark blue circle (night). An orange cross marks each population’s mean. Of the pdfs, only the mean day and night active bout total and inactive bout length pdfs were consistently significantly different across three independent experiments (p < 0.01; two-sample Kolmogorov–Smirnov test); n = 124 wild-type larvae. B, Melatonin bout feature means. A mean was taken per animal per feature, and day or night (6 dpf). Shown is a population mean and SEM during the day (white background) and the night (grey background). Control, DMSO; n = 24 controls then n = 12 per dose. C, PTZ bout feature means, as in B. Control, H2O; n = 24 controls then n = 10 (2.5 mM), n = 9 (5 mM), and n = 9 (7.5 mM). D, hcrtr bout feature means as in B, for days (white background) and nights (grey background) 5–6 post fertilization. hcrtr-/- mutants had significantly lower mean values compared to both hcrtr+/+ and hcrtr-/+ for the following active bout features: length, SD and total (p < 0.05 for all comparisons, Dunn–Sidak corrected four-way ANOVA, adjusted for the following factors: day/night, development, and experimental repeat). No features differed significantly between hcrtr-/+ and hcrtr+/+; n = 39, 102, and 39; for WT, hcrtr+/+; Het, hcrtr-/+; and Hom, hcrtr-/-, respectively. Download Figure 1-2, TIF file.
Extended Data Figure 1-3
Analysis framework. Flow diagram depicting the steps of our analysis framework. Data are output from our behavioral set-up (ViewPoint) in the form of a .xls file. perl_batch_192.m organizes these data to a .txt format. Experiment metadata (e.g., animal genotypes) are supplied in the form of a .txt file. The 1-min bin method uses sleep_analysis2.m to produce figures and statistics from these two .txt files. The 25-Hz method exports .raw data from ViewPoint to produce .xls files. Vp_Extract.m reorganizes these, using .txt data, to a .mat file which can be input to either Vp_Analyse.m or Bout_Clustering.m. Vp_Analyse.m produces figures and statistics. Bout_Clustering.m uses the clustering function gmm_sample_ea.m to assign data to modules, produce figures, and calculate statistics, Bout_Clustering.m’s output can be input to Bout_Transitions.m, which compresses full modular sequences by calling Batch_Compress.m and Batch_Grammar_Freq.m. The motifs identified from this approach can be input to Batch_Transitions_Hours.m which compresses 500 module chunks and uses Batch_Grammar_Freq.m to count motif occurrences per hour. With the exception of the 1-min bin method (sleep_analysis2.m), two example figures are shown for each figure producing step. All code can be run locally, although for speed several steps (indicated in green) are best run on a cluster computer. Download Figure 1-3, TIF file.
Vp_Analyse.m was used to compare general activity levels and bout features across time and between groups. The function has two options. The first allows for specific days and nights of interest to be cropped from the data. The second determines how experimental repeats are handled, treating the data as either a single merged dataset or as separate datasets. In the latter case, each experimental repeat is plotted with the same color scheme as the first experiment, with progressive shading for each repeat. Additionally, the N-way ANOVA comparisons include a repeat factor, which can be used to determine whether results are consistent across experimental repeats. Vp_Analyse.m outputs two statistics results structures: twa, N-way ANOVA comparison results; and kw, two-sample Kolmogorov–Smirnov test results. Vp_Analyse.m outputs figures showing each group’s activity (Fig. 1D,E) and bout features (Extended Data Fig. 1-2) over time.
The script Bout_Clustering.m was used to cluster all active and inactive bouts into behavioral modules, as well as to compare the resultant modules. To cluster the data an evidence accumulation approach is used (Fred and Jain, 2002, 2005) implemented by the custom MATLAB function gmm_sample_ea.m. Bout_Clustering.m produces figures (Extended Data Fig. 2-1) and statistically compares the modules. The MATLAB workspace output from Bout_Clustering.m can be input to either Bout_Transitions.m or Bout_Transitions_Hours.m.
Extended Data Figure 2-1
Evidence accumulation-based clustering. A, left, Scree plot showing the percentage of variance explained by each principal component from the active bout data. The first three principal components, the knee point of the curve, were kept for subsequent analysis. The colors of these points refer to the right panel. Right, Each of the three retained component’s coefficients for the different active bout parameters is shown. B, The active bouts within each module were fit by Gaussian distributions. Each active bout is shown in a 3D space of PC1, PC2, and probability. Each bout is numbered and colored by its module assignment. C, Evidence accumulation (E.A.) matrix for the 40,000 active probe points (matrix dimensions are thus 40,000 by 40,000). A higher E.A. index indicates a higher frequency of pairwise occurrences in the same cluster across 200 Gaussian mixture models. This matrix was clustered hierarchically, and a maximum lifetime cut was made to determine the final number of modules. The dendrogram above shows all 40,000 leaves and is colored by mean module length from shortest (lightest) to longest (darkest) as in other figures. 500. Evidence accumulation matrix for the inactive bouts. Download Figure 2-1, TIF file.
The function gmm_sample_ea.m clusters data using an evidence accumulation approach (Fred and Jain, 2002, 2005) through which the results of multiple Gaussian mixture models are combined to generate an aggregate solution. This process is executed through the following six steps. First, a sample of “probe points” are randomly sampled from the data. The number of probe points to sample is user defined. Second, values of K and sample sizes are uniformly sampled from user set ranges. The values of K are used to set the number of mixture components for each mixture model. The sample sizes determine the number of points, randomly sampled from the data that each mixture model is fit to. Third, a Gaussian mixture model is iteratively fit to the sampled data with K components. Each probe point is assigned to the component with the highest corresponding posterior probability and evidence is accumulated on the probe points; evidence is defined as pairwise co-occurrences in the same component. Fourthly, the evidence accumulation matrix is hierarchically clustered, and the final number of clusters is determined by using the maximum differentiated linkage distance to cut the resultant dendrogram. The linkage metric used is a user-defined option. Fifthly, the clusters are normalized for size by randomly sampling the number of points in the smallest cluster, from each cluster. Finally, all data points are assigned to these final size normalized clusters using the mode cluster assignment of the k-nearest neighbors, with k being user defined.
The script Bout_Transitions.m takes the MATLAB workspace output from Bout_Clustering.m as an input and compresses each animal’s full module sequence to generate a library of behavioral motifs. The number of occurrences of each motif are counted and normalized by comparison to paired shuffled data. Finally, a supervised learning algorithm is applied to identify context specific behavioral motifs. For two-time intensive steps, hierarchical compression of full module sequences (Batch_Compress.m) and normalizing the behavioral motif counts (Batch_Grammar_Freq.m), data were manually copied (via MobaXterm, Personal Edition v10.5) to UCL Legion Cluster (Research Computing Services, UCL) and processed in parallel with a worker for every fish. MATLAB code for hierarchical compression is described in Gomez-Marin et al. (2016). MATLAB code for submitting these jobs to Legion, analyzing data and retrieving results is available at https://github.com/ghoshm/Legion_Code. Ultimately, Bout_Transitions.m outputs a library of behavioral motifs and motif-related figures (Fig. 3).
The script Bout_Transitions_Hours.m compresses blocks of 500 modules for statistical comparisons, uses the motif library from Bout_Transitions.m to count the occurrence of each motif every hour, normalizes these counts to paired shuffled data and finally uses supervised learning to identify hour specific behavioral motifs. As with Bout_Transitions.m behavioral motifs are normalized, via Batch_Grammar_Freq.m, using UCL Legion Cluster. Bout_Transitions_Hours.m outputs figures (Fig. 4D) and statistics.
Processed behavioral data are available at: https://zenodo.org/record/3344770#.XYYwYyhKiUk. Raw data are available upon request.
Behavioral data analysis
Δ Pixels
At the acquisition stage, Δ pixels data were filtered by the software (ViewPoint) such that each frame for a given well was scored as either zero or higher. In the absence of movement within a well, and hence no pixels changing intensity, Δ pixels values of zero were recorded. These periods were termed inactive bouts and were defined as any single or consecutive frames with Δ pixels values equal to zero. The length of each inactive bout was used as a descriptive feature. When there were movements within a well, Δ pixels values greater than zero were recorded. These periods were termed active bouts and were defined as any single or consecutive frames with Δ pixels values greater than zero. Six features were used to describe each active bout: length, mean, SD, total, minimum, and maximum. These features, as well as the number of active bouts, percentage of time spent active and total Δ pixels activity, were compared between conditions, e.g., day and night and dose of drug, in two ways using the function Vp_Analyse.m.
To compare the distribution of values for each feature between conditions, a probability density function (pdf) was fit to each animal’s data and the mean shape of each condition’s pdf was compared using a two-sample Kolmogorov–Smirnov test (Extended Data Fig. 1-2A). To compare each feature’s average values between conditions, mean values were taken from each animal, and N-way ANOVA was computed. The following factors, when relevant, were included and full interaction terms were calculated: condition, e.g., mutant and wild type; time, e.g., day and night; development, defined as a consecutive day and night; and experimental repeat, i.e., which experimental repeat a datapoint came from. For experiments with multiple repeats, the lack of an interaction effect between the comparison of interest and experimental repeat factor was considered as evidence of a consistent result.
Note that our analysis relies on periods of inactivity registering Δ pixels values of zero. Consequently, to be compatible with our analysis code, other data may require post-recording filtering.
To cluster the bouts, the script Bout_Clustering.m was used. First, matrices of bouts by features were constructed (active matrix, 30,900,018 × 6; inactive matrix, 30,900,418 × 1). To prepare the active data for clustering, each animal’s data were individually normalized by calculating z scores using Equation 1, which illustrates how every bout (i) from each animal (f) was normalized by first subtracting the mean of this animal’s bout features (
Active bout features across all animals were then centered by subtracting each feature’s mean value from every bout, and principal component analysis (PCA) was used to reduce the data to three dimensions, the knee point of the scree plot, which together explain 97.5% of the variance (Extended Data Fig. 2-1A).
Next, the active and inactive bouts were separately clustered using an evidence accumulation-based approach (Fred and Jain, 2002, 2005) implemented by the function gmm_sample_ea.m. First, 40,000 probe points were randomly sampled from the data. Next, for 200 iterations, another group of points were randomly sampled and fit with a Gaussian mixture model with a random number of clusters. For each iteration, these two parameters varied uniformly in the following ranges: the number of points sampled, 40,000–100,000; the number of clusters fit, 2–20. Each mixture model was fit using MATLAB’s fitgmdist function (MATLAB, Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox) with full, regularized, independent covariance matrices and initialized using the k-means++ algorithm (Arthur and Vassilvitskii, 2007). Each mixture model was fit five times and the one with the largest log-likelihood was retained. Once each model had been fit, each probe point was assigned to the component with the largest posterior probability, and evidence in the form of pairwise occurrence in the same cluster was accumulated on the probe points. Once the 200 mixture models had been fit, average link clustering was applied to the evidence accumulation matrix and the final number of clusters determined based on maximum cluster lifetime. Next, the resultant clusters were normalized for size by randomly selecting the number of points in the smallest cluster from each cluster (5983 active, 614 inactive bouts). Finally, all points were assigned to the size normalized clusters using the mode cluster assignment of the 50 nearest neighbors for every point.
Hierarchical compression
Clustering reduced each animal’s behavior to a non-repetitive sequence of active and inactive bouts, termed modules. On average this reduced each wild-type sequence length by 96%, from 6,308,514 frames to 236,636 modules, easing the computational demands of compressing these sequences.
To compress modular sequences, an offline compressive heuristic (Nevill-Manning and Witten, 2000) was used (Eq. 2). At each iteration (i) of the algorithm, the most compressive motif was defined as the motif which made the most savings, a balance between the length of the motif (W) and the number of times it occurred in the sequence (N), which also considered the combined cost of adding a new motif to the dictionary (W + 1) and of introducing a new symbol into the sequence (+N) at every occurrence of this motif in the sequence:
The overall compressibility of a given input sequence was calculated by summing these savings across all iterations and dividing this total by the length of the original input sequence (in modules). This process resulted in a compressibility metric that ranged from 0 to 1 (low-high compressibility). To reduce computational time, motifs of a maximum of 10 modules long were sought, although the hierarchical nature of the algorithm enabled the identification of longer motifs through nesting. To generate the common motif library, the motifs obtained from compression of every animal’s full module sequence (Batch_Compress.m) were merged, and then all unique motifs were kept (Bout_Transitions.m). To generate sets of paired control sequences for every animal, each animal’s module sequence was divided into sequential day and night or hourly segments and the modules within each of these windows was shuffled 10 times, maintaining the active/inactive transition structure (Bout_Transitions.m). As compressibility varies non-linearly with uncompressed sequence length (Extended Data Fig. 3-1B), to enable comparisons between samples with different numbers of modules, non-overlapping blocks 500 modules long were compressed (Bout_Transitions_Hours.m).
Supervised motif selection
To identify both which and how many motifs were required to distinguish between behavioral contexts (e.g., day and night), the following approach was executed by the function Batch_Grammar_Freq.m. First, the number of occurrences of every motif from the common motif library was counted in every real and shuffled modular sequence. Next, to calculate enrichment/constraint scores for every motif, the deviation of the real from shuffled counts, as well as the deviation of each shuffle from the other shuffles, was calculated (Eq. 3). For a given animal and time window, e.g., day or night, the mean number of times motif (i) was counted in the shuffled data (
For example, for a given animal and time window, if a motif was used 10 times in the real data and a mean of 4.5 times in the 10 sets of paired shuffled data (SD 1.58), enrichment/constraint would equal 3.48:
When comparing the shuffled data to itself, each shuffle (now
For any given comparison, motif library enrichment/constraint scores for the relevant animals were formatted into a matrix of samples by motifs (Fig. 4B). Scores for each motif (column) were normalized by subtracting each column’s mean score and dividing by each column’s SD. A supervised feature selection algorithm (Peng et al., 2005) was applied to these matrices to select the top 250 maximally relevant and minimally redundant (mRMR) motifs. For each comparison we defined the first motif chosen by mRMR as the best motif. To determine the best motifs among test conditions, we excluded control data. For example, to determine the best 0.01 μM melatonin motif, we compared this group’s data to all larvae dosed with melatonin at other doses (Fig. 5A). For completeness, we still plot the control enrichment/constraint scores for these motifs.
To determine how many of the 250 motifs chosen by mRMR were necessary for accurate classification, linear discriminant analysis classifiers were trained on data using 10-fold cross validation as sequential mRMR motifs were added, and classification error mean and SD were calculated. The MATLAB function fitcdiscr (Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox) was used to implement these steps. Finally, to determine how many motifs were necessary for a given comparison, classification error curves were smoothed with a running average three motifs wide and the number of motifs at which the minimum classification error occurred was identified (Extended Data Fig. 4-1A). To evaluate classifier performance, the results of each classifier were compared with a majority class classifier whose performance depended on the ratio of samples of each class. For example, in a dataset with two labels at a ratio of 0.1:0.9, the majority class classifier would consistently assign the latter label and achieve a classification error of 10% (±SE of proportion). Additionally, we compared each classifiers performance to a set of 10 classifiers built using the same number of motifs, although randomly selected. For example, for a classifier which achieved its minimal classification error using 15 motifs, we randomly selected 15 motifs and trained classifiers as above. We repeated this process 10 times per classifier and report the error and SD across these 10 repeats.
Behavior at scale
Larval zebrafish behavior consists of an alternating sequence of movements and pauses, termed bouts, that are organized at sub-second timescales. To capture this structure from high-throughput, long-timescale experiments, we used a 96-well plate set-up with a single larva housed in each well (Extended Data Fig. 1-1A) and as a proxy for movement recorded the number of pixels that changed intensity within each well between successive pairs of frames, a metric we term Δ pixels. We built on previous work using this set-up (for review, see Barlow and Rihel, 2017; Oikonomou and Prober, 2017) by analyzing Δ pixels data at 25 Hz, rather than in 1-min bins. When recorded in this way, Δ pixels data are an alternating sequence of positive values representing movement magnitude and zeros representing periods of inactivity (Fig. 1A;Movie 1). We defined active bouts as any single or consecutive frames with non-zero Δ pixels values and described each bout using several features including the mean and SD of Δ pixels values across the bout (Fig. 1A). We defined inactive bouts as any single or consecutive frames with zero Δ pixels values and described each inactive bout using its length (Fig. 1A). We found no correlation of active bout initiation between larvae in adjacent wells of the 96-well plate (Extended Data Fig. 1-1B), suggesting no interactions among larvae.
Using this approach, we first assessed the behavior of wild-type larvae across a 14/10 h day/night cycle (Extended Data Fig. 1-2A). During the day, wild-type larvae initiated bouts at a mean frequency of 0.89 Hz (Fig. 1B), a rate consistent with other assays (Kim et al., 2017), and tended to use short, sub-second long inactive bouts (Fig. 1C). During the night, larvae displayed a mean bout frequency of only 0.07 Hz (Fig. 1B) and used longer inactive bouts, on the order of seconds to minutes (Fig. 1C). Together, these differences resulted in a diurnal pattern of activity (Fig. 1D). These results are broadly consistent with those from analysis of binned Δ pixels data (Barlow and Rihel, 2017; Oikonomou and Prober, 2017), with the addition of sub-second resolution and an increase in accuracy, as determined by intra-fish comparisons between the methods (Extended Data Fig. 1-1C,D).
Next, we extended our approach to examine the behavioral effects of pharmacological and genetic manipulations. Melatonin, which is strongly hypnotic in zebrafish (Rihel et al., 2010a), dose dependently decreased larval activity (Fig. 1E) by decreasing the number, magnitude, and length of active bouts and by inducing longer inactive bouts (Extended Data Fig. 1-2B). The epileptogenic drug PTZ (Extended Data Fig. 1-1E) altered both active and inactive bout parameters (Extended Data Fig. 1-2C), eliciting on average longer, lower amplitude active bouts and longer inactive bouts during the day. Finally, homozygous hcrtr−/− mutants had only subtle differences in active bout structure, with shorter mean active bout length and lower active bout total and SD, compared with both wild-type hcrtr+/+ and heterozygous hcrtr-/+ siblings, which did not differ from one another by any metrics (Extended Data Fig. 1-2D).
Collectively, these results quantitatively demonstrate the advantages of assessing Δ pixels data on a frame by frame basis and provide insight into the behavior of wild-type zebrafish larvae across the day/night cycle as well as those subject to pharmacological or genetic manipulations.
Module usage varies with behavioral context
Recent work has demonstrated that larval activity can be classified using unsupervised learning into 13 distinct bout types that represent different swimming movements (Marques et al., 2018). A full description of larval behavior, however, requires quantification of both the movements and pauses that they execute. Thus, we sought to determine whether distinct active or inactive bout types, which we termed modules, were identifiable from our data, and if module usage depended on behavioral context.
To address these questions, we separately clustered the active and inactive bouts (combined across experiments a total of 30,900,018 active and 30,900,418 inactive bouts) using an evidence accumulation-based clustering algorithm (see Materials and Methods). In brief, 200 Gaussian mixture models were built from each data set, then the results of these models were combined to generate aggregate solutions. This clustering method identified five active and five inactive modules (Fig. 2A,B; Extended Data Fig. 2-1), which we separately labeled from 1 to 5 from the shortest to longest mean bout length. The active modules, which formed discrete peaks in bout feature space (Extended Data Fig. 2-1B), corresponded to different shapes of Δ pixel changes in terms of amplitude and length (Fig. 2A; Extended Data Fig. 2-2A), while the inactive modules consisted of different lengths of inactivity (Fig. 2B; Extended Data Fig. 2-2A). The shortest inactive module (module 1) had a mean length of 0.06 s and ranged from a minimum of 0.04 s (our sampling limit) to a maximum of 0.12 s. In contrast, the longest inactive module (module 5) had a mean length of 96 s and covered a huge range of values from a minimum of 20 s to a maximum of 8.8 h.
Extended Data Figure 2-2
Behavioral modules. A, pdfs for each bout feature by module. All features are shown on a log x-axis. The legend panel indicates each module’s color. B, Melatonin module probabilities during 6 dpf day (upper panels) and night (lower panels) for both the active (left) and inactive (right) modules. Shown is a mean and SEM for each group, colored according to the legend. Active modules are sorted from highest to lowest by average wild-type day probability, based upon wild-type data in Figure 2D. Inactive modules are sorted by increasing mean length. Control, DMSO; n = 24 controls then n = 12 per dose. C, PTZ data as in B, with H2O (control); n = 24 controls then n = 10 (2.5 mM), n = 9 (5 mM), and n = 9 (7.5 mM). D, hcrtr data as in B, with mean values across 5 and 6 dpf. No module probabilities differed significantly among genotypes (full four-way ANOVA, with the following factors: genotype, day/night, development, and experimental repeat); n = 39, 102, and 39; for WT, hcrtr+/+; Het, hcrtr-/+; and Hom, hcrtr-/-, respectively. Download Figure 2-2, TIF file.
Extended Data Figure 3-1
Hierarchical compression metrics. A, The compressibility (y-axis) of the real wild-type data is higher than the paired shuffled data (p < 10−15, two-way ANOVA, real vs shuffled data, no significant interaction with experimental repeat factor). Each animal’s data are shown as a pale blue line. Overlaid is a mean and SD. Inset, The mean difference in compressibility between each larva’s real and shuffled data. Each larva is shown by a circle, and the orange cross marks the mean. B, The compressibility (y-axis) of the real wild-type data varies non-linearly with uncompressed sequence length. Each larva (of 124) is shown as a dot. C, The number of motifs (y-axis) identified from compressing each wild-type animal’s real and paired shuffled data. Each animal’s data are shown as a pale blue line. Overlaid is a mean and SD. Inset, The mean intra-fish difference in the number of identified motifs. Each larva is shown by a circle, and the orange cross marks the mean. D, Motif length (x-axis) and usage probability (y-axis) across the entire real (blue) and 10 shuffled datasets (black). Note that each shuffled dataset is plotted independently. For each motif length a grey line joins the real and mean shuffled value. E, Each panel shows how Δ compressibility varies in different behavioral contexts. Each pale line shows an individual larva’s average Δ compressibility during the day and the night. The darker overlay shows a population day and night mean and SD. F, Δ Compressibility of 500 module blocks for each wild-type larva, averaged into 1-h time points. Each pale blue line shows 1 of 124 larvae. Line breaks occur when a larva had <500 modules within a given hour. The darker blue overlay shows the mean and SD of these data every hour. Shown are days (white background) and nights (dark background) 5 and 6 of development. Download Figure 3-1, TIF file.
Extended Data Figure 4-1
Motif classifier performance. A, Classification error (%) from linear classifiers separating wild-type day and night behavior using motif enrichment/constraint scores as sequential mRMR motifs from 1 to 250 are added (x-axis). The average error is shown in light blue. Overlaid in darker blue is a running average three motifs wide. The broken black lines show the minimum of the smoothed data to be at 15 motifs, where the classification error is 0.2%. B, Wild-type temporal classifier performance. Real classifiers (color) are shown as a mean and SD from 10-fold cross validation. Majority class classifiers (grey) are shown as value and SE of proportion. Each classifier’s data are listed on the x-axis. D, day; N, night; M/E, morning/evening; E/LN, early/late night. The number of motifs chosen for each classification and exact values for each classifier are detailed in Table 1. C, hcrtr, Melatonin and PTZ classifier performance. Real classifiers (color) are shown as a mean and SD from 10-fold cross validation. Majority class classifiers (grey) are shown as value and SE of proportion. Each classifier’s data are listed on the x-axis. For hcrtr comparisons, grouped classifiers as well as separate day (light blue underline) and night (dark blue underline) classifiers are shown. For melatonin and PTZ, only day data were compared. Classifier details can be found in Table 2. Download Figure 4-1, TIF file.
To examine how module usage varied across time, we represented each larva’s behavior as an alternating sequence of active and inactive modules (Fig. 2C; Movie 2). In the wild-type data, module usage varied with time of day (Fig. 2D). For example, the probability of observing inactive module 2, which consists of typical day pause lengths (0.16–1.16 s), was on average 0.6 during the day and only 0.24 during the night, when inactive modules 1, 4, and 5 became more likely (Fig. 2D). To reveal finer-grain temporal dynamics, we also examined each module’s mean frequency over time (Fig. 2E). In general, both the active and the short inactive modules had high frequencies during the day, peaking at the light/dark transition as the larvae responded to the sudden change in illumination. In contrast, the only module with a peak in frequency at the dark-to-light transition was inactive module 4 (3.72–20 s), which also had an increased frequency approaching the light-to-dark transition. Together, these results reveal that zebrafish employ different bout types in a time of day/night dependent manner.
Next, we examined the impact of pharmacological and genetic manipulations on bout type usage. Larvae dosed with melatonin showed a shift toward using shorter active modules and longer inactive modules (Extended Data Fig. 2-2B). In PTZ-dosed larvae, there were also shifts in active module probability. Particularly notable was the complete exclusion of active module 1 in 27 of the 28 (96.4%) PTZ-dosed larvae, while control larvae used this module with 0.12 probability during the day and 0.22 during the night (Extended Data Fig. 2-2C). These shifts likely reflect the chaotic, seizure-like swimming observed in PTZ-treated larvae (Baraban et al., 2005), although no single active module clearly captured these behavioral seizures. PTZ also increased the probability of the shortest inactive (module 1) as well as the two longest inactive modules (modules 4 and 5), the latter of which are likely to correspond to the interictal bouts of inactivity associated with seizures (Extended Data Fig. 2-2C). Conversely, hcrtr mutants exhibited no differences in either active or inactive module probabilities compared with their wild-type siblings (Extended Data Fig. 2-2D), demonstrating that bout type usage is similar between these mutants and wild-type animals across the day/night cycle.
Collectively, these results reveal that zebrafish behavior in this assay can be described by five types of active and five types of inactive modules, the usage of which varies with behavioral context. Interestingly, in many contexts, both active and inactive module probabilities were shifted, suggesting that these module types may co-vary, perhaps by being arranged into recurrent sequences.
Hierarchical compression reveals structure in zebrafish behavior
From a set of behavioral modules, an animal could structure their behavior in a range of ways. At one end of this spectrum, successive modules could be organized completely randomly, such that prior modules exert no influence on future module selection. At the other end, module selection could be fully deterministic with a particular module always following another. Rather than being fixed, however, it is likely that animals adapt their behavioral structure in response to changing internal or external states. We sought to map the structure of zebrafish behavior in different contexts by examining the presence and organization of module sequences, which could provide insight into the mechanisms governing behavior. To do this, we used a compression algorithm (Nevill-Manning and Witten, 2000) as Gomez-Marin et al. (2016) used to discover structure in Caenorhabditis elegans postural data. When applied to our dataset (Fig. 3A), this algorithm iteratively identified motifs from each larva’s modular sequence and returned two outputs, compressibility, a measure of each larva’s behavioral structure, and a library of identified recurrent module sequences, termed motifs.
To quantify the structure of zebrafish behavior, we first compressed every animal’s full modular sequence, which in wild-type animals were on average 236,636 modules long across 70 h. To determine whether the resultant compression values indicated more structure than would be expected based on either the distribution or the transition structure of the active-to-inactive modules, we compared each larva’s compressibility to that of 10 sets of paired shuffled data. All wild-type larvae were more compressive than their paired shuffled data, demonstrating that their behavior is more structured than expected from modular probabilities alone (Extended Data Fig. 3-1A). Compressibility, however, varies non-linearly with input sequence length, as longer sequences will be more likely to contain motifs (Extended Data Fig. 3-1B). Thus, to enable comparisons between samples with different numbers of modules, we compressed non-overlapping 500 module blocks of sequence per larva. This approach revealed that compressibility was higher during the day than the night (Fig. 3B). To determine whether these differences were primarily due to the presence of behavioral motifs or instead were a consequence of differences in module distribution, we also compared the difference in compressibility (Δ compressibility) between each animal’s real and shuffled data. This approach revealed that the compressibility difference between the day and the night is predominantly due to differences in module distribution (Extended Data Fig. 3-1E). To reveal finer-grain temporal changes in compressibility, we plotted Δ compressibility across time (Extended Data Fig. 3-1F). This approach revealed peaks at the light-to-dark transitions in the evenings, consistent with this stimulus eliciting stereotyped behavioral sequences (Burgess and Granato, 2007; Emran et al., 2010).
Next, we used compressibility to assess how our pharmacological and genetic manipulations altered the structure of larval behavior. We found that melatonin decreased day compressibility to night-time levels (Fig. 3B), a difference primarily due to shifts in module distribution (Extended Data Fig. 3-1E). PTZ increased compressibility to a constant day/night value (Fig. 3B). PTZ, however, reduced Δ compressibility (Extended Data Fig. 3-1E), indicating that changes in module distribution, rather than motif usage, are the dominant driver of PTZ-induced behavioral changes. Importantly, these drug-induced changes in compressibility do not simply reflect overall activity levels. For example, PTZ-exposed larvae are less active than controls during the day and more active during the night (Extended Data Fig. 1-1E) but have consistently higher compressibility (Fig. 3B). Finally, in hcrtr mutants, we found no differences in either compressibility or Δ compressibility, suggesting that hcrtr mutant behavior is structured similarly to wild-type animals (Fig. 3B).
Overall, our compressibility results demonstrate that larval zebrafish behavior is structured and that the amount of structure varies with behavioral context. Our Δ compressibility results suggest that such variation predominantly arises from altered module, rather than motif, usage.
To gain insight into the behavioral sequences larvae deploy, we then studied the motifs identified by the compression algorithm. Compression of the real modular sequences identified a mean of 1901 motifs per animal (Extended Data Fig. 3-1C). Interestingly, compression of the real data almost always identified slightly fewer motifs than the shuffled data (Extended Data Fig. 3-1C). This suggests that the motifs identified from the real data were used more frequently than those in the shuffled data and therefore likely reflect enriched behavioral sequences. Merging the motifs identified across all animals generated a library of 46,554 unique behavioral motifs (Fig. 3C). In terms of raw Δ pixels data, each motif represented an approximately repeated pattern of movements and pauses of varying length (Fig. 3D). Motifs in the library ranged from two to 20 modules long with a median length of eight modules and spanned timescales from approximately 0.1 s to 11.3 min with a median length of 3.84 s. In the real data, longer motifs tended to be used more frequently than in the shuffled data (Extended Data Fig. 3-1D), demonstrating the likely behavioral relevance of these sequences. Motifs of different module lengths used distinct sub-sets of modules (Fig. 3C). For example, motifs comprised of longer module sequences had a lower probability of using long inactive modules. Together, these results reveal the varied timescales at which zebrafish larvae organize their behavior and suggest the presence of structure governing the arrangement of modules into motifs.
Behavioral motif usage is time dependent
The large number of motifs in our library led us to hypothesize that each may be used in specific behavioral contexts. To test this hypothesis, we counted the number of times each larva or set of paired shuffled data used each motif within each time frame (e.g., day or night) and then normalized these counts by calculating the deviation of the real from shuffled counts as well as the deviation of each shuffle from the other shuffles, a metric we termed enrichment/constraint. Overall, we found that enrichment/constraint scores from our real data were more prone to extreme positive (enriched) and negative (constrained) values than the shuffled data (Fig. 4A), suggesting that a minority of behavioral motifs were used more or less frequently than would be expected by chance.
To test whether these extremes occurred in particular contexts, we first compared motif usage between the day and the night in wild-type larvae by generating a matrix of enrichment/constraint scores (Fig. 4B). To distil the most salient motifs from this and other contextual matrices, we used a three-step approach. First, we used the mRMR algorithm (Peng et al., 2005) to rank the motifs from most to least salient. Second, we trained linear discriminant analysis classifiers using 10-fold cross validation as we iteratively increased the number of input motifs from most to least salient (e.g., motif 1, motif 1 and 2, motif 1 – n). Finally, we selected the subset of motifs which achieved the lowest classification error between groups in each context. To determine how accurately these motif subsets could distinguish between behavioral contexts, we compared each classifier’s performance to that of a majority class classifier, which performed as well as the ratio of samples between the two contexts. For example, in the day versus night classification, a majority class classifier would have an error rate of 50% (±SE of proportion), as each larva contributes an equal number of days and nights to the enrichment/constraint matrix. Additionally, to demonstrate the salience of the motifs selected by the mRMR algorithm, we compared each classifier’s performance to a set of 10 classifiers built using the same number of motifs, although randomly selected. For example, for a classifier that achieved its minimal classification error using 50 motifs, we randomly selected 50 motifs from the library and built a classifier. For each comparison we repeated this process 10 times.
Applying this algorithm to wild-type data revealed changes in motif usage across multiple timescales (Extended Data Fig. 4-1B). We found that only 15 motifs were required to classify day-specific and night-specific behavior with only a 0.2% (±0.63% SD) classification error, compared with a majority class classifier with 50% error and random 15-motif subsets with a mean error of 9.25% (Fig. 4C; Table 1). The day-enriched motifs consisted of high amplitude movements interspersed with short pauses, while the night enriched motifs contained low amplitude movements and long pauses (Fig. 4C). Next, we examined how motif usage changed over time by comparing consecutive days and nights (5–6 dpf). In both day 5 versus day 6 and night 5 versus night 6 comparisons, the classifiers achieved roughly 20% error using 93 and 85 motifs, respectively (Table 1). Thus, motif usage shifted over just 24 h, although these changes were far less prominent than those between the day and night. To study whether motif usage varied at finer timescales, we first divided the day into morning/evening and the night into early/late periods. In each case, the mRMR algorithm performed better than the control classifiers (morning/evening: 33%, early/late night: 36%) although the relatively high classification errors suggest that motif selection did not vary strongly across each day or night (Table 1). Consistent with this conclusion, classifiers attempting to delineate each hour from every other mostly failed to outperform their control classifiers (Table 1). The two notable exceptions were the hour following each lighting transition, where this approach achieved good classification performance (Table 1) and identified startle-like motifs. We interpret these motifs as startle-like as they consist of long pauses interrupted by high-amplitude movements and primarily occur at the lighting transitions (Fig. 4D), stimuli known to elicit startle behaviors in larval zebrafish (Burgess and Granato, 2007; Emran et al., 2010).
Together, these results demonstrate that motif usage varied between the day and the night, but aside from the lighting transitions, was relatively consistent within these periods.
Dose-dependent and dose-specific behavioral motifs
Finally, we hypothesized that behavioral motif usage would vary dose dependently across concentrations of melatonin and PTZ, providing insight into the mechanisms by which these compounds exert their behavioral effects. Motif dose dependency would suggest a continuously modulated underlying process, which might arise for example if the fraction of bound receptors relates to neuronal activity modulation. Alternatively, motifs enriched at only specific doses would suggest discrete effects on neuronal circuitry.
Applying the mRMR algorithm to our pharmacological data revealed both dose-dependent and dose-specific modulation of motif usage. We found that each melatonin dose could be separated from the others using 40–250 motifs with only 0–2.78% classification error (Fig. 5A; Table 2). Focusing on just the best motif for each comparison, we observed both dose dependency as well as dose specificity. For example, comparing controls to all melatonin-dosed larvae identified a dose-dependent motif that consisted of large magnitude movements and short pauses, whose enrichment/constraint score decreased with increasing melatonin concentration (Fig. 5A). Conversely, the best 10 μM motif, two long pauses broken by a small active bout sequence, showed dose specificity being enriched at only 3 and 10 μM doses (Fig. 5A). When applied to the PTZ data, our approach performed even more accurately, achieving perfect classification (0% error) between all conditions (Fig. 5B; Table 2). Furthermore, in PTZ-dosed larvae we observed enrichment for motifs highly constrained in wild-type larvae, highlighting the usage of motifs beyond the normal wild-type repertoire, such as those corresponding to behavioral seizures (Fig. 5B).
Next, we tested whether our motif subset approach could detect hcrtr mutant phenotypes that were not easily captured by other methods. For example, based on human and rodent literature, where loss of hypocretin is associated with narcolepsy (Lin et al., 1999) and prior zebrafish literature (Elbaz et al., 2012), we expected abnormal transitions between active and inactive bouts. We found reasonable performance when discriminating between hcrtr+/+ and hcrtr−/− during both the day (16.7 ± 7.5% error with 195 motifs) and night (12.8 ± 9.6% error with 53 motifs) but weaker performance when distinguishing between hcrtr+/+ and hcrtr−/+, as expected for a haplosufficient gene (Extended Data Fig. 4-1C; Table 2). Thus, homozygous loss of hcrtr impacts motif usage enough to allow for successful classification of hcrtr−/− mutants, although no single hcrtr−/− motifs with large differences in enrichment/constraint scores compared with wild-type siblings were particularly evident.
Collectively, these results demonstrate that behavioral motifs are used context dependently and reveal how motif subsets can parse subtle differences in motif usage between behavioral contexts. However, does motif analysis provide additional discriminatory power over module selection, which also varies between behavioral contexts? To assess this, we compared the performance of each motif classifier to paired module classifiers built from matrices of module probabilities. All of the motif classifiers achieved better performance than their module pairs (Fig. 5C; Table 3), demonstrating both the phenotyping value of the motifs and their importance in the structure of larval behavior.
Here, we developed and applied computational tools to describe high-throughput, long-timescale behavioral data in terms of behavioral units (modules) and sequences of modules (motifs) organized across sub-second to day-long timescales.
Low-dimensional representations of behavior
Low-dimensional representations of behavior, such as the Δ pixels metric employed here, result in a loss of information, for example, direction of movement or posture. However, such metrics do facilitate screening approaches and/or long-timescale tracking and in these contexts have provided biological insight into the molecular targets of small molecules (Rihel et al., 2010a) and genetics of aging (Churgin et al., 2017). Our work builds on previous long-timescale studies of behavior by assessing sub-second resolution Δ pixels data across multiple days and nights. This improved resolution enabled the segmentation and parameterization of individual active and inactive bouts from our data, revealing how larvae adapt their behavior across the day/night cycle and how behavior is impacted by small molecules.
Future work should aim to extend our assay by recording more detailed behavioral measures. Indeed, a recent study using centroid tracking in 96-well plates revealed that larvae show a day/night location preference within the well and furthermore uncovered a mutant with a difference in this metric (Thyme et al., 2019), demonstrating that even within the confined space of a 96-well plate, location is an informative metric to record. It is likely that even more detailed behavioral measures, like eye and tail angles, will yield additional insights, for example enabling the exploration of rapid-eye-movement sleep in zebrafish larvae, as done in reptiles (Shein-Idelson et al., 2016). Such metrics could be extracted by skeletonization or even through the use of an autoencoder applied to the raw video frames from each well (Johnson et al., 2016). Once such high dimensional data had been assigned to modules, our compression and motif enrichment/constraint approach could be applied in the same manner as here.
Modular descriptions of behavior
A key idea in ethology is that behavior consists of stereotyped modules arranged into motifs (Lashley, 1951; Tinbergen, 2010). While early studies described behavior in this manner through manual observations (Dawkins and Dawkins, 1976), recent advances in machine vision and learning have automated these processes (Todd et al., 2017). For example, in zebrafish larvae, recent work used unsupervised learning to uncover a locomotor repertoire of 13 swim types including slow forward swims and faster escape swims (Marques et al., 2018), although inactive bouts were not considered. From our dataset, we identified five active and five inactive modules, which, respectively, describe swim bouts of different amplitudes (Fig. 2A) and periods of inactivity of varied length (Fig. 2B). Interestingly, all modules were used with reasonably high and similar probability by all wild-type animals (Fig. 2D), demonstrating that these modules represent a set of common larval behaviors. Furthermore, the temporal (Fig. 2E) and pharmacological (Extended Data Fig. 2-2B,C) shifts in these probabilities illustrates that module usage can be flexibly reorganized depending on behavioral context (Wiltschko et al., 2015).
To discretize our bouts into modules, we first extracted hand-engineered features from each bout (Fig. 1A) and then applied an evidence accumulation-based clustering algorithm (Fred and Jain, 2002, 2005). While our results demonstrate the relevance and utility of these modules in describing larval behavior, it is possible that our approach missed rare bout types. Consequently, future work should build on our bout classification by exploring the benefits of including additional features, the use of alternative clustering algorithms and our assumption of stereotypy, i.e., that all bouts can be fit into a module (Berman, 2018). An alternative direction would be to produce a mapping between our active modules and those identified from analysis of larval posture (Marques et al., 2018). Bridging this gap could facilitate behavioral screening approaches, for example, by using data from our set-up to prioritize pharmacological compounds or mutants for postural analysis.
Quantifying structure in behavior
In some contexts, it is beneficial for animals to execute coordinated patterns of behavior. For example, to efficiently search an environment zebrafish larvae will execute organized sequences of left and right turns (Dunn et al., 2016). In other contexts, more random behavior will be advantageous, such as when escaping from a predator (Maye et al., 2007). Quantifying structure in behavior thus provides insight into the overarching strategy being employed in particular contexts. Alterations in behavioral structure can also manifest clinically, for example in Autism Spectrum Disorder, a defining feature of which is increased behavioral stereotypy (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Consequently, compression would be a relevant and likely informative metric to record in animal models or even human cases for such conditions.
To quantify structure in larval zebrafish behavior in different contexts, we inputted each larva’s modular sequence to a compression algorithm. We found that wild-type behavior was more compressive during the day than the night (Fig. 3B). This echoes recent work in Drosophila that revealed higher temporal predictability during the day than the night as well as in females (Fulcher and Jones, 2017). A likely explanation for these findings comes from work in C. elegans (Gomez-Marin et al., 2016) that demonstrated that animals who transition slowly between modules, as both zebrafish (Fig. 1B) and Drosophila do at night (Geissmann et al., 2019), tend to be less compressive. This may suggest that the underlying mechanisms controlling longer-timescale behaviors are less precise than those controlling fast behavioral sequences.
For future efforts applying compression to behavioral data, there are two avenues left to explore, what compression heuristic to use and how to compress data from multiple animals. Following the work of Gomez-Marin et al. (2016), we defined the best motif at any iteration as the most compressive, which represents a balance between the motif’s length and frequency. While this metric generally leads to the best compression (Nevill-Manning and Witten, 2000), alternative measures, such as frequency or length may capture other aspects of behavior. The second avenue relates to comparisons between animals. Here, each animal was compressed individually, identifying motifs that were later grouped into a common library. While computationally tractable, this approach prevents certain comparisons across animals, for example identifying the most compressive motif across all larvae. This issue could be solved by compressing a single sequence containing all of the animals’ modular sequences joined end to end, with spacers to prevent interanimal motifs. Compressing this long sequence would, however, be computationally demanding.
Compressing and merging the identified motifs across all animals generated a library of 46,554 unique motifs (Fig. 3C), each of which described an alternating sequence of movements and pauses (Fig. 3D). Motifs ranged from 0.1 s to 11.3 min in length, revealing the range of timescales at which larval behavior is organized. We cannot, however, rule out the existence of longer timescale motifs in larval behavior as computational demands limited our search to motifs 10 modules long (although the algorithm’s hierarchical approach enabled the identification of motifs up to 20 modules long). Thus, future work should aim to extend our approach to explore the full range of timescales at which larval behavior is organized by systematically varying this parameter.
Contextual behavioral motifs
Finally, by distilling salient subsets of motifs from our library, we demonstrated that motif usage was context dependent and highlighted the discriminatory power of motif subsets, which were capable of distinguishing between day/night behavior and even between small changes in compound dose. Comparing motif usage across the day/night cycle identified a set of highly night specific motifs (Fig. 4C), which may represent sleep behaviors. One way in which future studies could address this possibility would be to deprive larvae of these motifs throughout the night, for example, by using a closed-loop paradigm (Geissmann et al., 2019), and observing the impact on larval behavior the following day. In relation to the PTZ data, comparing seizure motifs across epileptogenic compounds and mutants with spontaneous seizures could suggest clues as to their underlying mechanism (Kokel et al., 2010; Rihel et al., 2010a). For example, seizures with similar motif usage patterns may originate in the same brain area or impact awareness in the same manner. This hypothesis could be tested by generating whole-brain activity maps (Randlett et al., 2015) across conditions, with the aim of identifying common and unique neuronal correlates.
Given the amenability of larval zebrafish to high-throughput behavioral screening (Rihel and Ghosh, 2015) future work should leverage our approach to large-scale genetic (Thyme et al., 2019) or pharmacological datasets (Rihel et al., 2010a). Individually, these datasets would provide information on the genetic and molecular basis of behavior across multiple timescales, encompassing processes from sleep to aging. In combination, by identifying mutant and drug-induced phenotypes that cancel each other out (Lamb et al., 2006; Hoffman et al., 2016), these datasets could be used to identify phenotypic suppressors in genetic disease models, an outcome with potential clinical relevance.
Acknowledgements: We thank members of the University College London (UCL) fish floor for insightful discussions, Ida Barlow and François Kroll for comments on this manuscript, and the UCL Fish Facility and staff for support.
The authors declare no competing financial interests.
This work was supported by a Medical Research Council Doctoral Training grant (M.G.), a UCL Excellence fellowship (J.R.), a Wellcome Trust Investigator Award (J.R.), and a European Research Council starting grant (J.R.).
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