Figure 6. AId neurons are differentially modulated during different behavioral states. A, Schematics of example eating, singing, active-movement, quiet-attentive, and quiescent states. Text boxes represent example scored and unscored (starred) movements that typically occurred within that state type, although other behaviors could also occur (see Materials and Methods). B, Proportions of single AId neurons that were modulated during different numbers of state types. 8/99 state-responsive neurons were modulated during one state type, 26/99 during two, 42/99 during three, and 23/99 during four states. C, Each row of each chart indicates the states during which each neuron was excited (green), suppressed (dark gray), or not responsive (light gray). Unfilled boxes indicate that no data during that state was recorded for that neuron. Charts are grouped according to colors in B, based on the number of states during which activity of neurons was modulated. D, Histograms comparing distributions of ISIs during active-movement, eating, quiet-attentive, and quiescent states (left); singing, quiet-attentive, and quiescent states (middle); active-movement, eating, and singing states (right). Horizontal lines indicate distributions that had significantly different means; dotted lines indicate means of the respective distributions. p < 0.001 for all significant differences. E, Number of excited (left) and suppressed (right) events that occurred during each state type, normalized by the total duration of each state type in a given recording session. Box-and-whisker plots indicate medians and first and third quartiles; whiskers indicate data points not considered outliers; circles represent data points from individual neurons; ***p < 0.001.