Article Information
Published By
- Received December 4, 2019
- Revision received January 21, 2020
- Accepted January 31, 2020
- Published online April 10, 2020.
Copyright & Usage
Copyright © 2020 Mazziotti et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium provided that the original work is properly attributed.
Author Information
- Raffaele Mazziotti1,2,^,
- Giulia Sagona2,3,^,
- Leonardo Lupori4,
- Virginia Martini2 and
- Tommaso Pizzorusso1,2,4
- 1Department of Neuroscience, Psychology, Drug Research and Child Health (NEUROFARBA), University of Florence, Florence 50135, Italy
- 2Institute of Neuroscience, National Research Council, Pisa 56124, Italy
- 3Department of Developmental Neuroscience, Istituti di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico (IRCCS) Stella Maris Foundation, Pisa 56128, Italy
- 4BIO@SNS Laboratory, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa 56124, Italy
- Correspondence should be addressed to Raffaele Mazziotti at raffaele.mazziotti{at}
Author contributions
Author contributions: R.M., and T.P., designed research; R.M., G.S., and V.M. performed research; R.M., L.L., G.S., analyzed data; R.M., L.L., G.S., and T.P. wrote the paper.
↵^ R.M. and G.S. contributed equally to this work.
The authors declare no competing financial interests.
This work was supported by the Fondazione Telethon Grant GGP15098 and by a research grant from the University of Pennsylvania Orphan Disease Center on behalf of LouLou Foundation and in partnership with The International Foundation for CDKL5 Research.
Fondazione Telethon (Telethon Foundation)
GGP15098Pennsylvania Orphan Disease Center
Other Version
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- previous version (April 10, 2020).