Extended Data Figure 2-1
Significant inhibition of EPSP by continuous HFS in G85R-SOD1-YFP-infused synapse. EPSP slopes taken during the 6th train in a set of continuous trains of HFS showed even more dramatic decreases by G85R-SOD1-YFP, compared with the WT-SOD1-YFP, particularly at the beginning, suggesting limited synaptic vesicle availability, consistent with the morphological changes found in EM. Note that in panel A, the EPSP slope with G85R-SOD1-YFP in the 1st train was initially >150, while in the 6th train, it never got above 40. In contrast, the initial EPSP slopes in the 1st train and the 6th train were almost identical after perfusion with WT-SOD1-YFP. Download Figure 2-1, TIF file.