Figure 3. A, Brain regions coding information for the memorized estimated numerosities. Group-level results of a t-contrast testing the 12 s WM delay for above-chance prediction accuracy. Brain regions carrying information about memorized scalar magnitudes are as follows: IFG, MFG, PMC, SMA, and SFG. B, Time courses of decoding accuracies of remembered (red) and nonremembered (gray) stimuli for all identified brain regions in the main analysis (Fig. 3A). Error bars indicate standard error of the mean (SEM). The figure shows that, for all clusters depicted in the main analysis, there is more numerosity-specific WM information for the remembered than for the forgotten numerosity, and the information is present throughout the WM delay period. C, Results of the label permutation tests. Five bars are shown for each brain region, respectively. Each bar displays the mean prediction accuracy estimated from the distance to correct order groups. The shade of the bar color, ranging from black to white, depicts the different distance to correct ordering. Black bars indicate the mean prediction performance of the group with the correct linear order, while white bars represent the mean prediction accuracy derived from the most linearly unordered data. Brain regions tested for label permutation are: IFG, MFG, PMC, SMA, and SFG. Error bars indicate SEM.