Figure 3. DE alters the representation of sound frequencies in A1. Distribution of BFs in NR and DE in all imaging fields from L4 (A) and L2/3 (B) and across mice (Table 1). A, top panel, Cumulative distributions showing the spread of BFs in NR (red) and DE (black) in imaging fields from L4. The BF distribution of cells differs between DE and NR [Kolmogorov–Smirnov (KS) test; L4 p < 10−23]. Lower panels, Same data as in top panel by animals (nine mice NR; six mice DE) and binned into octaves. The mean differences for the comparisons are shown by Cumming estimation plot. The raw data are plotted on the upper axes; summary measurements (mean ± SD) are shown as lines. Mean differences for each frequency bin are plotted on the lower plot as a bootstrap sampling distribution (DABEST). Mean differences are depicted as horizontal lines; 95% confidence intervals are indicated by the ends of the vertical error bars (4–8 kHz: 18.2% [95.0%CI, 4.34, 30.7], p = 0.0432 Mann–Whitney; 8–16 kHz: –24.9% [95.0%CI –50.2, –3.86], p = 0.0518; 16–32 kHz: –10.2% [95.0%CI, –25.5, 7.41], p = 0.377; 32–64 kHz: 17% [95.0%CI, –4.21, 39.8], p = 0.0872). Effect size [CI width, lower bound, upper bound]. B, top panel, Cumulative distributions showing the spread of BFs in NR (red) and DE (black) in imaging fields from L2/3. The BF distribution of cells differs between DE and NR (KS test; L2/3 p < 10−40). Lower panels, Same data as in top panel by animals (eight mice NR; six mice DE) and binned into octaves. The mean differences for the comparisons are shown by Cumming estimation plot. Mean differences are depicted as in A (4–8 kHz: 1.8% [95.0%CI, –24.3, 14.4], p = 0.651 Mann–Whitney; 8–16 kHz: –17.1% [95.0%CI, –26.9, 2.41], p = 0.175; 16–32 kHz: –14.3% [95.0%CI, –33.3, 4.33], p = 0.22; 32–64 kHz: 32.28% [95.0%CI, 21.68, 44.99], p = 0.0024).