Figure 4. VIP+ interneuron activation recovers evoked spike rates, but not stimulus–response mutual information lost during movement. A, Example unit for which baseline-subtracted spike rates and frequency–response functions are similar between Still and Mvmt + VIP conditions. a, Raster plots depicting responses to tone clouds in the absence of (Still) and with movement and VIP+ interneuron activation (Mvmt + VIP). Each tick represents an action potential; each raster line reflects activity on a single trial. Unit waveform samples (∼1.8 ms) from each condition (mean ± SD) appear above the rasters. The stimulus period is represented by gray shading in the raster plots and by the sine waveform above the plots. The optogenetic activation period, including onset ramp, is indicated by the blue bar above the rasters. b, Frequency–tuning curve plots for each condition (mean ± SEM), including spontaneous (Spon) firing rates. B, Example unit for which baseline-subtracted spike rates are similar between Still and Mvmt + VIP conditions, despite a relatively flattened frequency–response function in the Mvmt + VIP condition. Subplot organization and labeling as in A. C–E, Scatterplot summaries of stimulus-evoked firing rates, stimulus information, and encoding efficiency during Still and Mvmt + VIP conditions (n = 71 BS units, n = 25 NS units). A difference box plot (Δ) appears to the right of each scatterplot representing Mvmt + VIP values subtracted from Still values. Box plot mid lines indicate medians, outer lines indicate 25th and 75th percentiles, and whiskers indicate the range of data points excluding outliers. C, On average, movement and VIP+ interneuron activation had opposite influences on stimulus-related spike rates (Figs. 2, 3), which cancelled out when these respective influences occurred simultaneously. D, E, Whereas stimulus information and encoding efficiency decreased during movement for BS units, no changes were observed during VIP+ activation, and thus information remained low when both occurred at the same time. No significant changes were observed for NS units. *p < 0.05, signed-rank tests.