Figure 11. Expression of GIRK2 subunit is unchanged post-SE. A, B, D, E, All representative images follow the same format. Upper left, Transverse slice from dorsal hippocampus with the nuclear stain, Hoechst 33342, from control group. Upper right, Representative hippocampal staining of GIRK2. The blue box shows the portion of CA1 expanded below. The yellow shaded region shows the region selected for quantification from the alveus to the fissure in both channels. Bottom, GIRK2 staining in CA1, where the lighter shade of gray reflects more immunoreactivity for GIRK2 protein. Staining is evident in the somatic layer (S.P.) and dendritic layers. Scale bars = 500 µm. A, Representative section from the dorsal hippocampus with GIRK2 staining from a control rat. B, Representative section from the dorsal hippocampus with GIRK2 staining from a post-SE rat. C, Quantification of average grayscale pixel intensity along the length of the somatodendritc axis on dorsal CA1. Since the radial length can differ between sections, the lengths were normalized and binned into 20 segments. Dotted lines reflect transitions between layers abbreviated S.O. (stratum oriens), S.P. (stratum pyramidale), S.R. (stratum radiatum), and S.L.M. (stratum lacunosum moleculare). Comparisons between equivalent radial locations were tested between control and post-SE group data. D, GIRK2 staining in the ventral hippocampus of control rat. E, GIRK2 staining in the ventral hippocampus of a post-SE rat. F, Quantification along the normalized length of the somatodendritic/radial axis in ventral CA1. Equivalent radial locations were compared between control and post-SE group data.