Figure 3. Optogenetic effects on detection performance are well described by changes in perception rather than response probability. A–C, Hypothetical examples of how optogenetic stimulation of interneurons could impact detection performance. Black line = performance on trials without stimulation. Gray line = impairment/enhancement in performance resulting from interneuron stimulation. Arrows indicate direction and magnitude of shifts in detection performance resulting from optogenetic stimulation. Lapse and false alarm rates have been exaggerated to highlight differences in model predictions. A, If stimulation impacts sensory evidence by causing a multiplicative change in contrast, the psychometric function should shift along the horizontal axis. B, If stimulation adds a fixed increment or decrement to the contrast of the stimulus, the psychometric function should shift primarily at low contrasts. C, If stimulation affects performance by changing the response probability, the psychometric function should shift above the lapse rate or below the false alarm rate. D, Distribution of log-likelihood ratios from individual sessions comparing the contrast gain model to the response probability model in PV mice. E, Same as in D but for SST mice. F, Same as in D but for VIP mice. G, Distribution of log-likelihood ratios from individual sessions comparing the contrast gain model to the contrast addition model in PV mice. H, Same as in G but for SST mice. I, Same as in G but for VIP mice. Thick black lines mark 0, where neither model had a higher likelihood. Downward pointing triangles and dashed lines denote the median of each distribution. Filled boxes are sessions for which the log-likelihood of one model is significantly better than the other model (p < 0.05, bootstrap). Log-LR = log-likelihood ratio. Note the differences in scale for G–I.