Figure 2. Values of d´ were stable during daily sessions. A, Hit vs FA pairs for four WT mice measured on different days clustered about the ROC curves implied by the pooled value of d´. Stimulus conditions (flicker frequency, contrast, illuminance at the cornea, and retinal illumination) for WT56, WT57, and WT59 were as follows: 12 Hz, 50%, 3000 ph/s/μm2; for WT69, 21 Hz, 40%, 8200 ph/s/μm2. The values of d´ for each mouse were: WT57, 0.65; WT59, 1.18; WT56, 1.32; and WT69, 1.63, respectively. For comparison, ROC curves for d´ = 0 (main diagonal), 1, 2, and 3 are also shown (gray ROC curves, rising in order away from the main diagonal). The negative diagonal (dashed line) indicates unbiased behavior. Open symbols, Hit vs FA pairs every 100 trials; closed symbols, daily totals (400 trials). B, Values of d´ for the corresponding 100 trial blocks (estimated with Eq. 1; Materials and Methods). C, Changes in response bias expressed in terms of criterion location (Eq. 2; Materials and Methods). Note that for clarity purposes some of the symbols have been displaced laterally.