Figure 4. Loss of Npn1 modestly impairs NMJ reinnervation after injury. A, Graphical depiction of the experimental paradigm. Tamoxifen (TMX) was administered for 5 d, followed by an at least 10-d rest period to allow for Cre-mediated recombination. At D0, a common peroneal crush was performed, and tissues were collected at the various time points. B, RT-qPCR was used to assess the level of Npn1 knockdown in GP muscle and SC from all mice used to examine reinnervation in subsequent experiments. The level of Npn1 transcript detected in Npn1UBC mice (n = 21) is graphed relative to that observed in Npn1WT control littermates (n = 20), with the average percentage knockdown in Npn1UBC mice displayed above the bar graph. C, D, Control or Npn1 IP, followed by immunoblotting for Npn1, was used to assess the amount of Npn1 protein in Npn1WT and Npn1UBC mice after TMX-mediated deletion. Representative Western blots from the D30 time point demonstrate that Npn1UBC mice have no detectable levels of Npn1 protein in either the GP muscle (C) or the whole SC (D). Supernatants immunoblotted for α-tubulin (αTub) or actin are provided as loading controls. E, Npn1 deletion does not alter the total number of scored NMJs observed at different time points after nerve crush injury (n.s., one-way ANOVA). F, G, The innervation status of sham-operated uninjured EDLs from Npn1UBC (n = 4) and Npn1WT (n = 4) mice was examined at the D21 time point. Scoring performed on the basis of nerve fiber (βIII-tubulin, F) or presynaptic terminal (synapsin, G) staining demonstrates that loss of Npn1 does not perturb the normal maintenance of the NMJ. H–K, Reinnervation following a nerve crush injury was examined in Npn1WT littermate controls (H, J) and Npn1UBC (I, K) mice. Innervation scores based on nerve βIII-tubulin staining (H, I) or presynaptic synapsin staining (J, K) produced similar trends. Despite loss of Npn1, early reinnervation (D7–D21) occurs normally. However, at D30, there appears to be a delay in motor nerve maturation as the number of NMJs scored as a 5 are decreased. This effect is only transient, as reinnervation is largely complete by the D50 time point. L, M, Reinnervation data were replotted using only scores 3–5 to directly compare differences between the two genotypes. Error bars represent the mean ± SE. **** p ≤ 0.0001, **, p < 0.01.