Figure 5. Contribution of spontaneous and neural activity-dependent processes to synaptic dynamics. A, B, Evolution of synaptic weights wi plotted against time for a pair of CI synapses in a, and non-CI synapses in B, for temperature T = 0.5. C, Pearson’s correlation coefficient computed between synaptic weights of CI and non-CI synapses of a network with T = 0.5 after 48 h of learning as in Figure 3C,D. CI synapses were only weakly, but significantly stronger correlated than non-CI synapses. D, Impact of T on correlation of CI synapses (x-axis) and learning performance (y-axis). Each dot represents averaged data for one particular temperature value, indicated by the color. Values for T were 1.0, 0.75, 0.5, 0.35, 0.2, 0.15, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, and 0.0. These values are proportional to the small vertical bars above the color bar. The performance (measured in movement completion time) is measured after 48 h for the learning experiment as in Figure 3C,D, where the network changed completely after 24 h. Good performance was achieved for a range of temperature values between 0.01 and 0.5. Too low (<0.01) or too high (>0.5) values impaired learning. Means ± SEM over five independent trials are shown. E, Synaptic weights of 100 pairs of CI synapses that emerged from a run with T = 0.5. Pearson’s correlation is 0.239, comparable to the experimental data in Dvorkin and Ziv (2016), their Figure 8A–D. F, Estimated contributions of activity history dependent (green), spontaneous synapse-autonomous (blue) and neuron-wide (gray) processes to the synaptic dynamics for a run with T = 0.15. The resulting fractions are very similar to those in the experimental data, see Dvorkin and Ziv (2016), their Figure 8E. G, Evolution of learning performance and total number of active synaptic connections for different temperatures as in D. Compensation for task perturbation was significantly faster with higher temperatures. Temperatures larger than 0.5 prevented compensation. Overall number of synapses was decreasing for temperatures T < 0.1 and increasing for T ≥ 0.1.