Figure 9. Comparison of the first activated pixel (FAP) areas in response to costimulation and single stimulation. A, Left, example of FAP contours for D2D3 (gray), D2 (yellow), and D3 (pink) stimulations. Center, mean percentage of overlap between D2D3 and D2 and D3 FAP areas. Right, scatter plot of each animal overlap percentages between D2D3 and D2 or D3 versus overlaps between D2 and D3 or D3 and D2. B, Left, examples of FAP contours for D2D4 (gray), D2 (yellow), and D4 (green) and for D2D4 (gray) and D3 (pink) stimulations, respectively, in the top and the bottom. Center, mean percentage of overlap between D2D4 and D2, D3 and D4 FAP areas. Right, scatter plot of individual FAP overlap percentages between D2D4 and edge digits (D2 and D4) versus D2D4 and D3 (top); between D2D4 and edge digits versus D3 and edge digits (bottom). C, Left, examples of FAP contours for D2D5 (gray), D2 (yellow), and D5 (blue) and for D2D5 (gray) versus D3 (pink) and D4 (green) stimulations, respectively, in the top and the bottom. Center, mean percentage of overlap between D2D5 and D2, D3, D4, and D5 FAP areas. Right, scatter plot of individual overlaps percentages, between D2D5 and edge digits (D2 and D5) versus edge digits and center digits (D3 and D4; overlaps between adjacent digits; top); between center digits and edge digits versus D2D5 and center digits (bottom).