Extended Data 1Neurobots and cancellation task have been implemented on the basis of Evorobot*, an open source tool for running evolutionary experiments (http://laral.istc.cnr.it/evorobotstar/; Nolfi and Gigliotta, 2010). The present code, written in C++, includes header (.h) and source (.cpp) files of the modified version of Evorobot*. In particular, the motor control is defined in file epuck_sm.cpp (function move_robot retinaMotorControlType 20); neurorobots and task are initialized in file epuck.cpp (functions: initialize_robot_cancellationTask3(); initialize_world_cancellationTask; update_sensors; update_motors). The fitness function is defined in fuction ffitness_cancellationTask3. Download Extended Data 1, ZIP file.