Figure 1. Dexamethasone had no rapid effect on IA activation and inactivation in magnocellular neurons from untreated rats. A, Voltage-clamp protocol for isolating IK and IA. Combined IK and IA currents were evoked by stepping from a holding potential (Vh) of −115 mV to test steps of −75 to 35 mV in 10 mV increments (left: voltage steps below, current responses above). IK was evoked by the same stepping protocol, except from a Vh of −45 mV (middle: voltage steps below, current responses above). Subtraction of the currents activated from a Vh of −45 mV from those activated from a Vh of −115 mV yielded the isolated low voltage-activated IA (right current traces). B, Representative traces showing voltage-dependent activation of IA in PVN magnocellular neurons from untreated rats before and at the end of a 10 min Dex application (1 µm). Inset, Activation voltage-clamp protocol. C, Plots of the mean current amplitude of the IA vs the test step potential, showing no effect of Dex on the IA current amplitude. D, Plots of the mean current density of the IA (peak IA/capacitance) vs the test step potential, showing no effect of Dex on the IA current density. E, Plots of the normalized chord conductance of the IA vs the test step potential, showing no effect of Dex on the voltage dependence of activation of the IA. F, Plots of the mean IA 10–90% rise time vs test step potential; the Dex effect on the activation rate of IA was not significant. G, Representative traces showing voltage-dependent inactivation of IA in response to voltage steps to −15 mV from 200 ms conditioning steps between −135 and −25 mV before and after 10 min of Dex application (1 μm). Dexamethasone had no effect on the inactivation voltage dependence of the IA. Inset, Inactivation voltage-clamp protocol. H, Plots of the mean normalized current amplitude vs the conditioning step potential, showing no effect of DEX on the voltage dependence of IA inactivation. All recordings were in PVN magnocellular neurons in slices from untreated rats.