Figure 4. Flash stimulus–evoked excitatory and inhibitory synaptic inputs underlie sublinear summation of flash and drifting grating stimuli. A, Vm responses of a current-clamped cell to a drifting grating with and without a preceding flash stimulus. From top to bottom: representative traces of individual trials for a drifting grating alone or for a drifting grating with a preceding flash stimulus, mean responses to these two types of stimuli, and differences at a bin size of 100 ms. B, Means ± SEMs of Vm responses to drifting gratings averaged over all directions of 13 recorded neurons. Trials with preceding flashes were plotted against trials with drifting gratings alone. P = 0.115, n = 14, t13 = 1.01. Paired t test. C, Means ± SEMs of Vm responses to drifting gratings preceded by flashes over all directions were plotted against the linear sum of the mean Vm responses to drifting gratings alone and flash-evoked late responses. P = 9.7 × 10–4, t13 = 4.20. D, E, Tuning curves of the mean Vm responses (D) and total number of spikes across all trials (E) for the example cell shown in A. Error bars represent SEMs. F, Flash stimulus–evoked changes in excitatory (orange, ΔGe) and inhibitory (cyan, ΔGi) synaptic conductances of two representative L2/3 neurons. The lower histograms indicate the differences between ΔGe and ΔGi using a bin size of 100 ms. G, ΔGe and ΔGi during the flash stimulus–evoked late responses plotted for every 5-ms bin. The data were obtained from the same neurons shown in F. H, Mean ΔGe and ΔGi of the late responses of all six recorded neurons. Error bars represent SEMs of trial-by-trial variability of conductances during the late response period. Cells that significantly showed ΔGe or ΔGi dominance are plotted in orange or cyan, respectively (P < 0.05, Student’s t test). (I) Top, excitation index calculated from the mean ΔGe and ΔGi during the late responses of the cells shown in H. Bottom, modulation index in Fig. 3A and C were replotted for comparison.