Figure 10. Local functional circuit mapping identifies strong DG versus weak CA3 inputs to hilar mossy cells. A, Genetic label guided recordings of hilar mossy neurons in the horizontal hippocampal slices. Given that hilar mossy cells are the only glutamatergic cell type in the hilus, they are targeted by visualizing neurons with large somata and with nonred fluorescent expression (i.e., the white square in A) in the dentate hilus of the Gad2-Cre; Ai9 mouse which expresses red fluorescent proteins (tdTomato) in GABAergic neurons (i.e., the arrowhead). B, The targeted neuron in A shows regular adapting spiking in response to intrasomatic depolarizing current injection. C, Post hoc identification of the recorded neuron as a mossy cell via intracellular biocytin staining. Scale bar, 50 μm. D–J, LSPS allows for extensive and quantitative analysis of synaptic inputs to recorded mossy cells from local hippocampal circuits in a relatively large region. D, A hippocampal slice image superimposed with photostimulation sites (cyan circles) spaced at 90 × 90 µm. The red circle indicates the tip of a recording electrode and the cell body location of the recorded mossy neuron. Scale bar, 200 µm. E, The plot of EPSC responses from the recorded cell at the corresponding sites in response to photostimulation via glutamate uncaging. The response traces are plotted for 200 ms beginning at the photostimulation onset. F, The two types of responses can be distinguished based on their waveforms, amplitudes, and response latencies. An example of direct uncaging responses is shown in red, and examples of synaptically mediated responses from presynaptic neuronal spiking are shown in green. The photostimulation (1 ms) is indicated by the vertical dashed blue line. The direct responses are excluded for synaptic input analysis. The raw data as shown in E are quantified and used for construction of a color-coded quantitative input map. G, The input response sites are overlaid on the bright field image to show anatomic position. Scale bar, 250 μm. H, The plot of IPSC responses from the recorded cell at the corresponding sites in response to photostimulation. The raw data as shown in H are quantified and used for construction of a color-coded quantitative input map. I, Example IPSC responses from the recorded mossy cell. J, The input response sites are overlaid on the bright field image to show anatomic position. K, L, Summary data of average total EPSC and IPSC inputs to the recorded mossy neurons measured from the DG granule cell and molecular layers (labeled as DG), hilus, and CA3.