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- Page navigation anchor for RE: Sex differences in the vulnerability to addiction.RE: Sex differences in the vulnerability to addiction.
This article opens with the following statement: "Although drug addiction affects both sexes, addiction develops and progresses more rapidly in females compared with males." However, no evidence is provided in support of this statement and it is disconcerting that this oversight passed the review process unscathed.
Actually, available evidence show exactly the opposite, that is, men are much more likely to develop addiction than women (e.g., Grant et al., Mol Psychiatry, 2009; Compton et al., Am J Psychiatry, 2013; Kendler et al., Am J Psychiatry, 2014). Indeed, the existence of different rates of drug addiction in males versus females is common knowledge among medical and non-medical staff working in the field of substance misuse.Competing Interests: None declared.