Figure 2. The degree of deuteration does not affect the isotopologue-specific differential response. Average EAG traces of normal (dark blue) vs deuterated (magenta) odorants are shown in A and H. When two deuterated isotopologues are compared (E, L), the blue trace corresponds to the least deuterated species. The gray area on the left side of the traces indicates the timing and duration of odorant stimulation, while the scale is shown in the bottom right of each trace. A–C, Raw amplitudes elicited in response to normal and d2-hexanol (B), d5-hexanol (C), and d13-hexanol (D). The ordinate scales have been adjusted to allow maximal resolution. The number of flies tested with each isotopologue pair is shown in the abscissas, with each pair of blue dots and magenta squares representing the responses from single flies. Similarly, raw amplitudes in response to the di-deuterated hexanol (dark blue diamonds) vs the perdeuterated odorant (magenta squares) are shown in F. The significance of isotopologue-specific amplitude differences was evaluated per fly using paired sample t tests and is indicated on the top right of each panel. These differential responses are quantitatively represented in G, and ANOVA indicated significant differences (F(3,32) = 17.739, p < 0.0001), which were revealed by least square means (LSM) contrast analysis to be due to the difference of the d2 vs d13 Δ amplitude (open bar) compared with the other three (p = 0.0006, p < 0.0001, and p < 0.0001, respectively, in order of increasing deuteration). In contrast, comparing the Δ amplitudes of each partially deuterated odorant over the normal isotopologue with each other did not reveal significant differences (h/d2 vs h/d13, p = 0.087; h/d2 vs h/d5, p = 0.110; h/d5 vs h/d13, p = 0.940). I–K, Similarly, raw amplitudes elicited in response to normal and d3-acetophenone (I), d5-acetophenone (J), and d8-acetophenone (K). The ordinate scales have been adjusted to allow maximal resolution, while the number of flies tested with each isotopologue pair is shown in the abscissas. Each pair of blue dots and magenta squares represents the responses from single flies. Raw amplitudes in response to the d3-acetophenone (dark blue diamonds) vs the perdeuterated odorant (magenta squares) are shown in M. The significance of isotopologue-specific amplitude differences were evaluated per fly using paired sample t tests and is indicated on each panel. These differential responses are quantitatively represented in N, and ANOVA indicated significant differences (F(3,32) = 6.331, p = 0.002), which were revealed by LSM contrast analysis to be due to the difference of the d3 vs d8 Δ amplitude (open bar) from the other three (p = 0.0075, p = 0.0017, and p = 0.0005, respectively, in order of increasing deuteration). In contrast, comparing the Δ amplitudes of each partially deuterated odorant over the normal isotopologue with each other did not reveal significant differences (h/d3 vs h/d5, p = 0.438; h/d3 vs h/d8, p = 0.245; and h/d5 vs h/d8, p = 0.7287).