Figure 1. METH enhances the differentiation of immature DG neurons. A, Representative confocal images exhibiting the different phenotypes of immature GFP+ DGCs. Open arrows, GFP+/DCX+ cells; closed arrows, GFP+/DCX+/NeuN+; arrowheads, GFP+/NeuN+. Scale bar, 50 µm. B, Bar graph illustrating the effect of METH in GFP+ cell phenotype. Data are expressed as a percentage of GFP+ cells ± SEM from four horizontal slices/animal of at least five animals per condition. ***p < 0.001, significantly different from saline using Mann–Whitney post hoc test. C–I, Current-clamp traces showing that GFP+ cells exhibit different AP firing profile patterns identified as group 1, 2, 3, and mature cells (C, E, G, I), respectively, and the respective phenotype characterization (D, F, H, and J). Cells were analyzed from at least three mice. Scale bar, 5 µm.