Figure 1. AP-induced axonal swelling and subsequent migration of microglial processes to the periaxonal area. A, A low-magnification image of a cortical slice obtained from an Iba1-GFP mice in which microglia express GFP (green). Note the largely ramified morphology suggesting a “resting state,” except for some surface microglia. A recording pipette and a pyramidal neuron, from which a recording was obtained, are loaded with Alexa Fluor 594 (red). Scale bar, 50 µm. B, Time-lapse images of a layer 2/3 somatosensory cortical neuron axon filled with Alexa Fluor 594 (red) and surrounding microglial processes (expressing eGFP, green), acquired at different times before and after a 3 min current stimulation protocol applied to the the soma of the neuron to evoke repetitive APs (at 10 Hz). Scale bar, 3 µm. C, Higher-magnification images of axonal fluorescence signals from the areas indicated by the rectangular boxes at −12 and 6 min in B. Note the increase in FI. Scale bar, 1 µm. D, G, Mean change in relative axonal and microglial FIs; before, during, and after 6 min of 10 Hz soma current stimulation applied from t = 0 (n = 16). Plots of the relative neuronal (red) FI (D) and perineuronal (green) microglial FI (G) for axons (including no stimulation controls) and dendritic compartments are superimposed (apical dendrite, black; basal dendrite, gray). E, H, Poststimulus change in relative axonal (H) and microglial (H) FIs for different durations of stimuli. F, Pooled data showing the correlation between the relative stimulus-induced changes in axonal FI and microglial FI obtained from a range of 10 Hz stimulus train durations, as indicated by each symbol.