Figure 4. Baseline measures of tracking strategies of trained rats. Data shown for days when accuracy was consistently higher than 80%. a, Fraction of direct trials for each rat. b, Percentage of correct serial trials out of total number of serial trials. c, Average speeds of all rats across days for direct (D, blue) and serial (S, red) trials in the forward (F, solid lines) and reverse (R, dashed lines) direction. d, Pooled data across all rats for all days. Forward speeds (FD, FS) are significantly different from each other and from return speeds (RD, RS). No significant difference found between return speeds (*p = 0, KW Tukey HSD test. e, RMS deviation of rat trajectory from an extrapolated odor path for direct (D, blue) and serial (S, red) trials. Solid lines represent forward direction (F) and dashed lines represent return direction (R). All RMS values are statistically significantly different from each other. f, Pooled data of all five rats from all 10 d; *p = 0, KW followed by Tukey HSD test. g, Total time taken for direct (blue) and serial (red) trials. Trial time is significantly different for the two classified groups (KW Tukey HSD test, **p < 10−10; h). Number of direct trials: Nd, = 1851; number of serial trials: Ns, =2150. Legend 1 for a, b. All error bars for c, e, g, are in SEM. d, f, h, Box whisker plots, representing the median (gray line), 25th percentile (bottom edge of box), 75th percentile (top edge of box), most extreme data points (whiskers), and outliers marked individually (gray crosses).