Figure 7. Proportions of neurons responsive to correct vs incorrect premature lever release. A, Average post-stimulus time histograms (PSTHs) of the firing rate (expressed as z-score) aligned with the cue light (0 ms, black dotted line), in standard condition (left) and quinine challenge (right) constructed with 50 ms bins preceding trials with future correct (red line) and incorrect (orange line) lever release. The lines represent the PSTHs (mean ± SEM) that respond to the cue light. *Significant reward effect (p < 0.05). B, Proportions of neurons responding exclusively at lever release for correct trials (“correct exclusive neurons”; turquoise area), at lever release in both correct and incorrect trials but in a different manner (“error-specific neurons”; orange area), and responding exclusively at lever release for incorrect trials (oops neurons; dark blue area) in standard condition (left) and quinine challenge (right). C, Selectivity to reward in oops neurons expressed as proportions in both standard condition (left) and quinine challenge (right) of 32% sucrose-specific neurons (red), 4% sucrose-specific neurons (orange), similar neurons (yellow), and quinine-specific neurons (green). D, Selectivity to reward in exclusive correct neurons expressed as proportion in both standard condition (left) and quinine challenge (right) of 32% sucrose-specific neurons (red), 4% sucrose-specific neurons (orange), similar neurons (yellow), and quinine-specific neurons (green). E, Example of the firing pattern of one STN neuron classified correct exclusive neuron showing increased activity at correct lever release only (left), in a similar manner for both 32% sucrose and quinine, but showing no response at lever release for incorrect trials (right), whatever the reward missed. Rasters are centered on the occurrence of the lever release (LR) (time = 0). The LR is indicated with a black arrow, and the light gray area delimited by the vertical red lines represents the period on which the bins were analyzed [0:500 ms]. The black bins represent the bins that were significantly different from the baseline [−400:0 ms]. Top, Raster plot of spike firing on each trial (each row illustrates one trial), with the top row of dots corresponding to the first trial. Bottom, Mean firing rate across all trials; bin size is 50 ms.