CSF and Blood Levels of GFAP in Alexander Disease
Paige L. Jany, Guillermo E. Agosta, William S. Benko, Jens C. Eickhoff, Stephanie R. Keller, Wolfgang Köehler, David Koeller, Soe Mar, Sakkubai Naidu, Jayne Marie Ness, Davide Pareyson, Deborah L. Renaud, Ettore Salsano, Raphael Schiffmann, Julie Simon, Adeline Vanderver, Florian Eichler, Marjo S. van der Knaap and Albee Messing
eNeuro 15 September 2015, 2 (5) ENEURO.0080-15.2015; https://doi.org/10.1523/ENEURO.0080-15.2015