Figure 4. Engrams of multifrequency stimulation patterns; RNN, ISI, and circuitry analysis. Patterns containing two component frequencies are used to briefly stimulate the network. A, Overview of the 10 s stim and the network activity immediately afterward in ∼1,000 neurons. Faint vertical bands can be seen to persist after stimulation has ended. B, Close-up of the stim pattern. C, D, Close-up of two regions in the poststim region, suggesting some cells have low-frequency activity (C), and some have higher-frequency firing patterns (D). E, RNN identification of the stimulation pattern in the entire activity fingerprint. Brightness indicates the degree of similarity to the stim pattern, which was used to train the network. The pattern itself (at 60 s) is the strongest region identified as expected; however, many regions of higher similarity can be seen immediately following the stim in comparison with the prestimulation region. RNN statistics in text. While the RNN analysis produced superior identification of complete engram patterns, histogram analysis allows a more direct analysis of the component frequencies. F, AN example of a single-neuron firing trace during stimulation, illustrating the two component frequencies. G, An example of a neuron in the poststim region repeating a similar pattern. H, Histogram analysis of the ISIs during the stimulation of the entire network. Similar to what we saw with the single frequency, peaks at frequencies corresponding to the high-frequency component (red, 160 ms) and the ISI between the end of one doublet and the start of the next (blue, 300 ms) can be seen, as well as a population at 460 ms (green), the distance from the start of one full pattern to the next. I, Histogram analysis of the poststim region. While the 160 and 300 ms components are detectable, other peaks are frequently observed (green), including the interpattern interval of 460 ms. J, Comparison of the neuron populations in the high-frequency (160 ms) versus low-frequency (460 ms) components. Under nonstimulated, spontaneous network activity, we found a 73.3 ± 2.85% SEM (n = 8) overlap between the neurons, meaning many cells were firing at both frequencies. During stimulation, this number was higher (82.3 ± 2.0%, SEM n = 12), which was expected as all neurons in the network are being driven to fire at both frequencies. In the poststimulation period, there was a substantial decrease in the overlap (43.6 ± 4.3%, n = 15), suggesting different populations of neurons were firing at the two different component frequencies. Full statistical analysis in Extended Data Table 4J-1.