Figure 1. Flexible choice patterns revealing reward-guided repetitive choice and nonreward-guided switch choice. A, Left, Snapshot of a head-fixed rat at the moment of licking choice toward a left spout (orange arrowhead). A black circle and blue arrowhead indicate the position of the tongue and right spout, respectively. Right, Schematic illustration of an outcome-based two-alternative choice task. Each trial began with the presentation of an auditory cue (Start, 3 kHz). Rats awaited another auditory cue (Go, 10 kHz) while abstaining from licking during the initial delay period (1st Delay). Subsequently, they chose either left or right spouts by licking within 5 s. A reward was provided after the second delay period (0.3–0.7 s) if the selected spout position aligned with the current reward position; otherwise, no reward was given, accompanied by a lack of sensory feedback and a 5 s timeout. B, Representative choice pattern revealing repetitive choice behavior postreward acquisition in last trial and switch choice behavior postunrewarded trials. Background colors indicate ongoing reward positions (orange, left spout; blue, right spout). Thick and thin vertical lines denote reversals of reward position: from left to right and from right to left, respectively. Colors of outline and face in symbols represent choice position (left or right) and choice pattern (repetitive or switch), respectively. A line plot displays trial series of the probability of repetitive choice (average probability over three trials). C, Left, Probability of repetitive choice (orange, left choice; blue, right choice) after rewarded (Last rwd) and unrewarded (Last unrwd) outcomes in the last trial. Circles indicate individual sessions (14 sessions, 12 rats). Horizontal lines and error bars represent mean and SD, respectively. Statistical significance was confirmed by one-way ANOVA followed by post hoc Tukey–Kramer test (*p < 0.001). Right, Averaged choice patterns around the reversal of reward position (orange, from left to right; blue, from right to left). Values present mean and SD. D, Top, Schematic illustration of recording sites with two probes in M2 and DS of left hemisphere. Recording sites (white arrowhead) in M2 and DS in the Nissl-stained coronal brain sections. Bottom, Representative local field potentials simultaneously recorded from M2 (black) and DS (red). E, Post hoc confirmation of injection site of retrograde tracer, FG (red arrowhead), in DS and the corticostriatal projection neurons labeled with FG in M2, including the recording site (white arrowhead). cc, corpus callosum. B (or Bregma) indicates the AP coordinate based on the rat brain atlas (Paxinos and Watson, 2009).