Figure 1. Distribution of ACh neurons in the mouse brain at E15 and E18. 50 µm horizontal brain sections of mice expressing tdTomato in ACh neurons at E15 and E18 were stained for DsRed. Sections were stained for DsRed to enhance tdTomato signal (magenta) and Hoechst 33342 (white). Brain regions were identified according to horizontal brain atlases of the prenatal mouse brain (Schambra, 2008). A, This dorsal E15 slice contains ventricular and subventricular zone (SVZ), lateral ganglionic eminence (LGE, striatal neuroepithelium), lateral ventricle (LV), caudate putamen (CPu), third ventricle (3 V), and cranial nerve 3 (CN III). Insets show ACh neurons within the CPU, and the lateral migratory stream (LMS), depicting potentially migratory ACh neurons. B, A more ventral slice contains medial septal and lateral septal nuclei (MS/LS), stria terminalis (st), 3 V, and CPu. As shown in the insets, ACh neurons were detected in the caudal CPu and MS. C, A more ventral slice contains ACh neurons in the globus pallidus (GP), striatum, and cranial nerve 5 (CN V). D, A more ventral slice contains ACh neurons in the GP/nucleus basalis of Meynert (NB), the vertical limb of the diagonal band of Broca (DBB), and the olfactory tubercle (OT). E, The most ventral slice contains ACh neurons in OT and basal forebrain nuclei (BF). F, A dorsal E18 slice contains brain regions VZ/SVZ, LV, corpus callosum (CC), and hippocampus (hc). G, More ventral, ACh neurons are cholinergic in the CPU and MS/LS. H, A more ventral slice contains cholinergic neurons in the MS/LS, GP/NB, and CPu. I, In a more ventral slice, additional cholinergic neurons are located in the DBB, nucleus accumbens (NAc), supramammillary nucleus (SuM), and CN V. The anterior commissure (ac) separates ventral and dorsal striatum. J, The most ventral slice contains additional cholinergic neurons in BF, OT, and the lateral hypothalamus (LH). See Extended Data Figures 1-2 and 1-3 for more details.