Figure 4-2
HPA axis dysfunction worsens MFS in male chronically epileptic mice. (A) Representative coronal sections of the hippocampus collected from control and chronically epileptic adult, male WT and Kcc2/Crh KO mice and stained with ZnT3 to quantify MFS. White arrow indicates mossy fiber sprouting. In some slices, we observed that dentate completely lost structural integrity as assessed by ZnT3 staining; example indicated by a red outline (B) The mean (±SEM) percent change in MFS was quantified in the ipsilateral hemisphere and normalized to the mean percent change in MFS of the contralateral hemisphere of chronically epileptic WT and Kcc2/Crh KO mice. Dotted black line indicates no MFS in animals that received saline injection. In slices with complete loss of structural integrity, MFS was quantified as the full dentate length. Those slices are indicated by colored filled dots on the graph. (C-D) Representative sections stained with NeuN to visualize DGCD in WT (C) and Kcc2/Crh mice (D). Pink outlines were automatically generated through Cell Profiler and indicate cells where NeuN and DAPI colocalize. (E) The mean (±SEM) number of adjoining neighboring neuronal cells was quantified for the ipsilateral hemisphere and normalized to the mean number of immediate neighboring neuronal cells on the contralateral hemisphere for both control and chronically epileptic WT and Kcc2/Crh KO mice. (F) The total number of cells within the manually defined dentate gyrus area was quantified on the ipsilateral hippocampal hemisphere and normalized to the cell density of the non-injected, contralateral hippocampal hemisphere. n = brain slice sections. Error bars represent ± SEM. WT, wild type; Sal, saline; KA, kainic acid; DGCD, dentate granule cell dispersion; Norm, normalized. Download Figure 4-2, TIF file.