Figure 3. Overview of EEG data preparation and source localization. A, B, The sensor-level time–frequency data for expert AFO and matched novice participants averaged across trials where a weapon was present and the virtual human attacked. For the time–frequency representation figures (top), the average of the central nine electrodes was taken (FC1, FC2, Cz, CP1, CP2, FCz, C1, C2, CPz) and baseline corrected against data from −2 to −1 s using decibel (dB) conversion. In these figures, data are time-locked to the onset of both stimuli, which were always 4 s apart: weapon presence (0 s, Phase 1) and compliance (4 s, Phase 2). On-scalp topographies of frequencies of interest from 250 to 750 ms are shown. C, The source estimation for the theta, alpha, and beta bands using eLORETA. The white crosshairs show the peak activity for each band. D, E, Time–frequency data for virtual electrodes placed at the peaks estimated in C, but for each group separately. Note that all color axes are formed of two linear subscales: from zero to the maximum value and from zero to the minimum value, to highlight the topography of each signal.