Figure 6-2
A) Schema of the modeling approach. (Left) PCs receive inputs from IONs and GCs. Starting from GC and IO response clusters (center) we linearly combined them trying to reconstruct each PC activity (right). B) Histogram of costs (L2) on the test traces from all PCs (green line), compared to a shuffle distribution (brown shade) that was obtained calculating costs after a random regressor-wise reshuffling of the weight matrix (i.e., all values from each individual regressor were kept and reshuffled in new random combinations). A threshold was defined to ensure that only 5% of these random fits could have a lower cost. The green shade indicates the data that were kept after such selection. C) Examples of individual fits. (Left) Average PC response (thick green line) calculated on the individual test repetitions (thin green lines), and reconstructed trace from the model (black line). (Right) Red, trace reconstructed with GC coefficients only; blue: trace reconstructed with IO coefficients only. D) Matrix of weights assigned to each regressor (rows) for all PC ROIs (columns). Vertical gray lines separate PCs clustered together in Figure 6A. E) Correlation between the reliability index and the fit error, including only PCs for which the fit was considered better-than-random. F) Scatter plot showing the relation between the GC/IO weights ratio vs. cell reliability. Each dot represents the two values for a single PC cell, color coded by the GC/IO index. The response of PCs dominated by GC inputs are more reliable compared to cells dominated by IO inputs (Spearman rho: 0.19, p = 5.8*10-4). Download Figure 6-2, TIF file.