Figure 4. Hopf bifurcation between stochastic asynchrony and synchrony. A, Self-consistent criterion for an oscillation in population rate. The sum of the phase shifts must equal −360°. B–D, Self-consistent phasic relationship for an oscillation in population rate. B, Numerically calculated neuronal phase shifts with σ = 0.16 nA, for low noise and σ = 2.8 nA for high noise. Iext is adjusted to maintain a constant firing rate of 30 Hz. C, Analytically calculated synaptic phase shift. D, The sum of the phase shifts must equal zero or a multiple of 360° (see Fig. 2) E, Projection of two curves onto the noise versus synaptic strength plane. Prediction, simulation result. The points corresponding to Figures 2 and 3 are depicted in cyan and purple, respectively. Dashed arrows depict transition in the synchronous region, full arrows correspond to asynchronous region. In E, we vary Iext for each (σC, J) to keep the mean firing rate constant. F, G, Finite-size scaling to find the Hopf bifurcation for Izhikevich model. F, Value of χ(N) for the four sizes of the network together with the fit of Equation 9. This fit gives a value of χ∞ for each J, σ and Iext. In this case J = 2 nA, σ = 2 nA and Iext = 2 nA. G, After finding χ∞, we find the noise value that destabilizes the asynchronous state for each value of J and Iext. Thus, we end up with a set of values (J, Iext, σC) which determines the Hopf bifurcation surface. J and Iext are as (in F). All units are given per cm2.