Figure 2. Forces, acceleration (Acc), SR, peeling, and strain rate for a single trial of an exemplar participant. A, GF applied (blue line) and LF experienced (black line) by the index finger of the participant during the trial. B, Vertical acceleration of the instrumented object measured by the IMU. C, Ratio of the GF relative to the LF (black line) and friction limit (orange dashed line) which is estimated at the end of each experimental trial. D, SR of the skin, i.e., the region of the contact area where the skin is stuck to the plate as a proportion of the total contact area. E, Peeling and laying, and compression and dilation of the finger, i.e., amount of skin coming into and losing contact with the glass plate. F, Horizontal (ϵxx)
, vertical (ϵyy
), and shear (ϵxy
) strain rates on the finger surface for a single oscillation. The filled-in dots represent the time stamps of the oscillation marked by vertical gray lines in panels A–E.