Figure 3. Representative activity patterns of neurons during choice trials. A, Nissl-stained coronal sections showing recording locations for the DMS (blue) and DLS (red). B, Tracks of accepted electrode bundles for all rats are indicated by rectangles. Neurons recorded from blue, red, cyan, and magenta rectangles were classified as DMS, DLS, mPFC, and M1 neurons, respectively. Each diagram represents a coronal section referenced to the bregma (Paxinos and Watson, 1998). C–F, Perievent time histograms (PETHs) of a representative DMS neuron (C), DLS neuron (D), mPFC neuron (E), and M1 neuron (F). PETHs were calculated based on timings of five task events (onset of center-hole poking, onset of the tone, offset of center-hole poking, onset of left or right hole-poking, offset of left-hole or right-hole poking), and the following four task phases were defined: phase 1, the period from the start of the center-hole poking to the onset of the cue tone; phase 2, the choice tone presentation period; phase 3, the action execution period between exiting the center hole and entry into the left or right hole; phase 4, the feedback period when a reward or no-reward tone was presented after left-hole or right-hole poking. PETHs of all choice trials (black), and of trials in CC (green) and trials in IC (cyan; upper panel). PETHs of CC and IC choice trials in which left was selected and rewarded (L1), left was selected and not rewarded (L0), right was selected and rewarded (R1), or right was selected and not rewarded (R0; lower panel). All PETHs (50-ms bins) were smoothed with a Gaussian kernel with a 150-ms SD. G–J, Normalized activity patterns of all recorded neurons from the DMS (G), DLS (H), mPFC (I), and M1 (J). An activity pattern for each neuron was normalized so that the maximum PETH was 1 and represented by pseudo-color (values from 0 to 1 are represented from blue to red). Indexes of neurons were sorted based on the time that the normalized PETH first surpassed 0.8.