Article Information
- Received January 24, 2023
- Revision received May 1, 2023
- Accepted May 14, 2023
- Published online June 15, 2023.
Author Information
- Rachel Britton1,
- Tristan Wasley2,
- Reema Harish1,
- Charles Holz2,
- John Hall2,
- Dennis C. Yee2,
- Jody Melton Witt2,
- Elizabeth A. Booth2,
- Steven Braithwaite1,
- Eva Czirr1,* and
- Meghan Kerrisk Campbell1,*
- Correspondence should be addressed to Meghan Kerrisk Campbell at meghan.campbell{at} or Eva Czirr at eczirr{at}
Author contributions
Author contributions: R.B., T.W., R.H., J.M.W., E.A.B., S.B., E.C., and M.K.C. designed research; R.B., T.W., C.H., J.H., D.C.Y., E.A.B., E.C., and M.K.C. performed research; R.B., T.W., R.H., C.H., J.H., D.C.Y., E.A.B., E.C., and M.K.C. analyzed data; R.B., T.W., and M.K.C. wrote the paper.
↵* E.C. and M.K.C. contributed equally to this work.
All authors were fulltime employees of Alkahest, Inc. or Grifols Diagnostic Solutions, Inc. at the time they contributed to the experiments in this manuscript.
This research did not receive any grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. All authors were fulltime employees of Alkahest, Inc. or Grifols Diagnostic Solutions, Inc. at the time they contributed to the experiments in this manuscript.